Marvel Reviews: The Amazing Spider-Man #639 “One Moment in Time”

The Amazing Spider-Man #639
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Writer: Joe Quesada
Art: Joe Quesada & Palo Rivera
Cover: Palo Rivera
Variant Cover: Joe Quesada
Price: US $3.99
Release Date: August 4, 2010

***This review contains NO spoilers, unless you don’t know that Spider-Man’s secret identity is Peter Parker and that he and Mary Jane were once married.  A bond that was separated by The Amazing Spider-Man story arc, One More Day.***

One Moment in Time.  Chapter Two: Something New.

Last issue kicked off this highly controversial story arc with Peter explaining to MJ the reason behind her being stood up at their wedding.  He continues his story, no longer backed up by pages from The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #21, but still being supported by the art of Palo Rivera that does a fine job with the flashback moments.  Present day scenes are drawn by Joe Quesada to go along with the look of this story’s beginning in the pages of the One More Day story arc.  Mary Jane then takes a turn at story telling, as she tells Peter about her side of the wedding debacle and how she coped in the days that followed it.  The conversation then heads down an unexpected path filled with all kinds of “WTF!?” moments, considering the way that One More Day played out.

One Moment in Time is a story arc that you should definitely not miss out on.  The story has moved away from the predictable and is getting fairly interesting.  To borrow a line form the Nova Corps’ Worldmind, “It is critical that you pay attention at this time.”

Say what you will about Joe Quesada’s leadership, ideas, and story telling, but you have to admit that he is one hell of an artist.  The facial expressions he draws in this conversation capture the look and feel of an actual conversation being had by actual people.  He really sells it well, especially in one panel where Mary Jane is using a more playful “tone of voice.”  It is a visual of a dead-on, real woman talking to Peter.  It’s my favorite panel in the whole issue.  The one thing I do wish was different with this series, is that I would rather Quesada do the standard, affordable covers.  One of the things I truly enjoyed about One More Day was Quesada’s covers.

Don’t miss out on this story, folks.  Also, don’t hold back in telling me how you really feel.  We had an interesting discussion last time.  Are your thoughts and feelings changing?  Let’s talk about it.

Aron White

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. InfiniteSpeech

    WHOA! You mean to tell me Peter Parker has been Spider-Man all this time?!!

  2. Aron

    Yeah! And Peter Porker is Spider-Ham.

  3. InfiniteSpeech

    Okay that’s just too much for me in one day! Next you’ll tell me that Bucky is Captain America and Luke Cage doesn’t wear a tiara anymore lol

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