Dark Horse Reviews: B.P.R.D. 1948 #3

B.P.R.D. 1948 #3
Publisher: Dark Horse
Writers: Mike Mignola & John Arcudi
Artist: Max Fiumara (cover by Dave Johnson)
Colors: Dave Stewart
Professor Broom is trying to romance a fellow scientist. She’s quite an attractive woman, but even better, she buys into his theories of other-worldly beings, especially after the Professor shows her a picture of Hellboy. He tells her about the Nazis that tried to use the occult to use those forces to stop the Allies in WWII. The two talk the night away about this subject matter, and then Anna retires to her home on the base. She then writes down parts of her conversation with the Professor, but is startled by something near the window. She screams in horror at something we don’t get to see, but whatever it was, it terrifies her. The military police and the Professor rush to see her, and find out that she’s OK, but very frightened. The two theorize about why the creature was at her specific barracks, and then come to a quick conclusion.
This issue was slightly slow, but not bad overall. A good set up issue that is more than likely going to be followed by an action packed issue. The Professor and Anna had a lot of face time in this issue, but it did result in some great scenes of dialog. There are times when Anna seems a little suspicious herself, but then there’s usually ill-timed drama to break up the scene. We also have a glimpse of Hellboy back at the BPRD headquarters, and his growing pains. Another good couple of pages to break up the monotony of constant scenes of dialog.
Max Fiumara is really doing a nice job with the artwork on this title. The story is set a long time ago, and the general feeling is that once you read a few pages, then look up, you feel as though you were in said place, in the book. Between his great pencils, Stewart’s consistent colors, and top it all off with another solid cover by Dave Johnson, you’ve got a good series. Hopefully Dark Horse will keep these creators around for a long time, because they’re all doing a great job at portraying the mystery and death that is happening right now in BPRD. Rating 4/5

Billy Dunleavy

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