Crisis of Infinite Reviews 04/23/14

Crisis of Infinite Reviews 04/23/14

batman eternal 3Batman Eternal #3
Writers: Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV
Artists: Jason Fabok and Brad Anderson
Cover Artists: Jason Fabok and Brad Anderson
Publisher: DC Comics

For those of you who enjoy reading about Gotham, outside of the Bat-family, this book is definitely for you. Much like in Batman: The Streets of Gotham, this series is seemingly going to be focusing much of its time on the entirety of Gotham, from the GCPD, to the common street thugs, to the crime lords. While she previously appeared for a scene in Batman #28, this issue brings Stephanie Brown front and center for the first time in the New52. As a fan favorite, who had been neglected and abandoned for the better part of two years, Stephanie is back and already in the middle of drama. The timeline is still a bit wonky, so it’s unclear whether or not she’s already taken up the Spoiler moniker. Regardless, it will be fascinating to see what they do with the character now that she’s joined the DCnU. Jason Fabok continues to draw a gorgeous book here. His work is perfectly suited for the Gotham universe and is being utilized to the fullest with this fantastic series. 4.5/5

batman superman 9Batman Superman #9
Writer: Greg Pak
Jae Lee and June Chung
Cover Artists: 
Jae Lee and June Chung

Even though it’s a month late and is being published after part 4 of the arc, Greg Pak does a commendable job with the story. It is fast paced, filled with action, and has a nice bit of emotional development, as the heroes are forced to fight alongside one another. It’s a shame that he isn’t writing the entire story, because he is doing a great job with it all. The flashbacks, with Bruce and Clark remembering what went down while the two of them were on Earth 2, are extremely well done, and I can’t wait to see what Pack and Jae Lee have in store for their Darkseid. The story aside, Lee’s art is phenomenal: his artwork the perfect pairing to Pak’s story. His graphic style is remarkably unique and is always a pleasure to read. 4/5

teen titans 30Teen Titans #30
Writer: Scott Lobdell
Tyler Kirkham, Scott Kolins, and Hi-FI
Cover Artists:
Kenneth Rocafort

The struggling series comes to an end (though technically there’s an annual left), and does so in decent fashion. What was billed as the return of Harvest ended up being anything but. Instead, readers were presented with the return of Skitter. The issue itself was surprisingly good, given the chaotic state of the series in recent months. Scott Lobdell, who initially had done such an amazing job with this series in the beginning, is able to wrap up a few loose ends in a satisfying manner. Bunker’s visit home is the most entertaining story to appear in this series in ages, and for the most part resolves some of the tension that was created by the circumstances in which he left Mexico. Tyler Kirkham, with Scott Kolins and Hi-FI, produce a nicely illustrated book that is a fitting farewell to the series. 3.5/5

Be sure to check out previous editions of Crisis of Infinite Reviews by clicking here!

Arnab Pradhan

This Post Has One Comment

  1. InfiniteSpeech

    Teen Titans was a series I used to look forward to but for way too long it wasn’t worth my money so I dropped it. Seeing that the final issue is actually decent I might just check it out . Hopefully when the series comes back we get an excellent series again.

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