Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 10/24/12

“A-Babies vs. X-Babies” #1 (Marvel)
Jeff: This. Book. Is. Perfect.
Andy: Highly disappointing. I know it’s supposed to be fun, but aside from the cute art, no effort was evident. (1/5) #AVX
Infinite Speech: Cute and a great distraction from the mess that was AvX.

“Amazing Spider-Man” #696 (Marvel)
Jeff: I love Spidey stories where Peter can’t turn into Spidey.
Andy: Damnit — Dan Slott has me reading Spidey again. Good stuff. (3.5/5) #SpiderMan
Infinite Speech: Smart. Awesome. Fun. Everything a Spider-Man book should be!

“Artifacts” #22 (Top Cow)
Infinite Speech: Over way too quick but damn was it a good issue!

“Astonishing X-Men” #55 (Marvel)
Arnab: This is a ridiculously long arc. So long, that I now don’t care if Karma dies.
Jeff: I’m sorry, but this story is taking forever.
Andy: This is not Marjorie Liu’s best work — loved her X-23 run but little of that has carried over here. Cool art. (2.5/5) #XMen
Infinite Speech: I fell asleep. What happened?

“Avengers” #32 (Marvel)
Jeff: Yet another meaningless resurrection of a character.
Andy: Alright, here we go with a new retcon! For a minute there I thought I was reading Sam Humphries’ “Higher Earth.” (3.5/5) #Avengers

“AvX: Consequences” #3 (Marvel)
Arnab: Scott continues to be ridiculously awesome. B+
Jeff: What happened to Scot Eaton’s art?
Andy: This has been a solid epilogue to “AvX” thus far. (3.5/5) #AVX

“Bart Simpson Comics” #76 (Bongo)
Andy: These issues are hit and miss, but this one’s a fun read for Simpsons fans — loved the Evan Dorkin short! (3/5) #Simpsons

“Batman Incorporated” #4 (DC)
Andy: The best issue of the new series. Morrison delivers a fresh surprise and gives everyone their own voice. (4/5) #Batman
Arnab: Doode. So freaking awesome. A

“Battle Beasts” #4 (IDW)
Andy: As a fan of the 80s toys and anthropomorphs, this miniseries was a blast! Glad to see a sequel is possible. (2.5/5) #BattleBeasts

“Bravest Warriors” #1 (KaBOOM!)
Andy: That was friggin’ hilarious. (4/5) #BravestWarriors

“Debris” #4 (Image)
Andy: A cool enough miniseries, but it could have gone to 6 issues given Riley Rossmo’s artwork. Worth a go for sci-fi fans. (3/5) #Debris

“Fables” #122 (Vertigo)
Andy: A cool side-story involving Bigby Wolf, but can we please move on from the Bufkin in Oz stuff? (3/5) #Fables

“FF” #23 (Marvel)
Arnab: It’s the end of the line and I couldn’t be more bummed. Jonathan Hickman did some amazing stuff through his run on “Fantastic Four” and “FF” and he will be missed on both these titles. A

“The Flash” #13 (DC)
Arnab: Gorillas, Grodd, the Rogues, and a missing Iris, what more could you want from a Flash book? A

“Gambit” #4 (Marvel)
Arnab: First arc was alright. Art was flippin’ awesome though.
Jeff: Ok, now that the kooky mystical stuff is over, can we get back to the heist stuff?

“Ghost” #1 (Dark Horse)
Andy: I really want to be into this series but it’s slow moving and lacking a hook. The creative team gives me faith, though. (2.5/5) #Ghost
Infinite Speech: A little par for the course but my interest has been piqued for now.

“Justice League Dark” #13 (DC)
Andy: Mikel Janin is absolutely killing the art in this series! Solid writing from Lemire, too, going old school. (3.5/5) #JusticeLeague

“Lord of the Jungle”#8 (Dynamite)
Andy: The last place I want to read about Tarzan in a comic book is Baltimore. Put him in the freakin’ jungle! (0.5/5) #Tarzan

“Multiple Warheads: Alphabet to Infinity” #1 (Image)
Andy: It’s punny and I really wanted to be into it — the artwork is so cool! — but I was lost the entire time. (2/5) #MultipleWarheads

“National Comics: Madame X” (DC)
Andy: Despite the wordy script, the creative team of Williams & Hairsine delivered. I’d read more. (3.5/5) #NationalComics

“Prophet” #30 (Image)
Andy: This series is rich in story, artwork and wonder. A must read for sci-fi fans. (4.5/5) #Prophet

“Punisher: War Zone” #1 (Marvel)
Andy: Decent, but I hope this doesn’t turn out to be another “Shadowland.” EVERY hero has killed in the Marvel U. (3/5) #Punisher

“Red Sonja” #70 (Dynamite)
Andy: Oof, no good. The art was passable at times but this was a tough issue to get through. (1/5) #RedSonja

“Revival” #4 (Image)
Jeff: I’m really starting to lose interest in this book. It’s too bad, because the art is fantastic.

“Secret Avengers” #33 (Marvel)
Jeff: I could do without Hawkeye and Captain Britain going into another dimension. I want more Descendants!
Andy: Despite rough artwork, this was an entertaining issue. I especially enjoyed the Captain Britain burns. (3/5) #Avengers

“Simpsons: Maggie” #1 (Bongo)
Andy: Disappointing. Sergio Aragones is great but this issue was not. (1.5/5) #Simpsons

“Spawn” #224 (Image)
Infinite Speech: The peeling back of layers has slowed this series down but it still looks great and has been taken to the next level in the Spawn mythos.

“Superman “#13 (DC)
Andy: Checked in to see what all the hullabaloo’s about and was underwhelmed. “Superman” still isn’t for me. (2/5) #Superman

“Talon” #1 (DC)
Andy: Calvin Rose is the coolest new Bat-character since Cassandra Cain. (3.5/5) #Talon

“Teen Titans” #13 (DC)
Infinite Speech: So we finally get some background on Wonder Girl and the Silent Armor. It made for a decent issue anyway

“Wolverine” #315 (Marvel)
Jeff: This book just looks fantastic. I wish Bunn had done more explaining about the Covenant…I had to look them up on the Marvel Database.

“Wolverine Max” #1 (Marvel)
Jeff: Barferroni! This book was atrocious!
Andy: Props for starring an ugly, hairy Wolverine and not Hugh Jackman, but the swearing felt forced and out of place. (2.5/5) #Wolverine


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