Chirpin’ Tuesday Revews 12/09/15

Amazing Spider-Man #4 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: I really want to like this storyline but all I’m liking is the artwork.

Assassins Creed #3 (Titan)
Infinite Speech: Fan of the game? Then pick up this series! Want to read a good comic? Pick up this series!

Batman & Robin Eternal #10 (DC)batman and tmnt 1
Arnab: Probably the best Tim Drake centered issue since the new52 took over.
Infinite Speech:
Now I want a book with just a Jason/Tim team up book and I don’t even like Tim!

Batman #47 (DC)
Arnab: Still trying to decide which is more selfish, Duke wanting Bruce to be Batman or Bruce not wanting to be Batman.
Infinite Speech:
Had more fun with this issue but I’m still wrapping my head around Gordon as Batman.
Jeff: While the art is superb, I just can’t get into the way that Snyder is telling this story. The last panel was interesting, but will I continue?

Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 (DC/IDW)
Arnab: Batman and the Ninja Turtles, what more could you want?
Infinite Speech:
It’s the fun you had as a kid with your action figures but with better art and story!

Grayson #15 (DC)
Arnab: Hell  yeah, Dick Grayson! That dude’s the shit.
Infinite Speech:
Only read it as a tie-in to Robin Wars but I see what Arnab is talking about so I may be reading this more often. Damn this was great!

Infinity Guantlet (Secret Wars) TPB (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: If you didn’t read this in single issue form then PICK IT NOW!

InSEXts #1 (After Shock)
Infinite Speech: Murder, sex, and betrayal from Bennett and Kristantina who deliver a near perfect first issue so it’s highly suggested you pick this one up.

Justice League: Darkseid War: Lex Luthor #1 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Lex is the new Darkseid. Not much else to it.

Ninjak #10 (Valiant)secret wars 8
Infinite Speech: As always another awesome Ninjak issue and this new arc is a great jumping on point!

Rachel Rising #38 (Abstract Studios)
Jeff: When I see Jet and Earl so happy, I just know that Terry Moore is going to do something bad.
Infinite Speech: Terry Moore can just take all of my money when it comes to this series.

Scarlet Witch #1 (Marvel)
Jeff: I’ve never been a big fan of Scarlet Witch, but wanted to try this. This one was just not for me.

Secret Wars #8 (Marvel)
Arnab: Hot f*ckin damn.
Infinite Speech:
HOLY $#@&!! This is one of the best full scale battles and when T’Challa shows up on that last page…WOW!
Jeff: I just have no idea what is going on with this. But Doom ripping out Thanos’ skeleton was pretty rad.

Snowblind #1 (BOOM!)
Infinite Speech: Took a chance and so glad I did because Masters and Jenkins made sure I’ll be here till the end!

Star Wars Annual #1 (Marvel)
Jeff: This was a really engaging and beautifully rendered untold Star Wars tale. I want more!
Infinite Speech: So glad I didn’t shy away from this annual because I would have missed out on a damn good story!

Symmetry #1 (Top Cow)
Infinite Speech: Hawkins gives you a great dystopian sci-fi story and Ienco makes it look fantastic so start reading Symmetry!

Ultimates #2 (Marvel)walking dead 149
Infinite Speech: Ewing & Rocafort have the team challenge Galactus on their first mission. Yeah, they’re THAT good!

Uncanny Avengers #3 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Okay, this story just picked up a bit and got me interested again. Cable showing up didn’t hurt either.

Unity #25 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: This is the final issue of my favorite dysfunctional teamand it was a good send off.

  The Walking Dead #149 (Image)
Arnab: Shit’s going to explode soon.
It’s time for something major to happen with Negan.

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