Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 11/7/12

“47 Ronin” #1 (Dark Horse)
Andy: Intelligent, emotional & engaging — already amongst the best educational reads in the sequential art form since “Maus.” (4.5/5) #47Ronin
Infinite Speech: A classic Japanese story retold masterfully with Stan Sakai’s great artwork

“Action Comics” #14 (DC)
Dr. Bustos: I want more stories where Superman and Neil deGrasse Tyson team-up. A

“Age of Apocalypse” #9 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Sometimes I wonder why I’m still reading this series when an issue like this comes along. Please let it get better next issue.
Jeff: Why aren’t more people talking about Roberto de la Torre? Good God, his art is fantastic!

“Animal Man” #14 (DC)
Andy: An “Aww man!” moment on the final page sealed the deal for this issue. Stuff’s about to go down! (4/5) #AnimalMan
Arnab: Yes. Just, yes. All around, yes. A
Dr. Bustos: I’m enjoying this dark future but can’t help but feel this will get reversed in a few issues. B

“Avengers” #33 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: I really hope they fail in their mission to save Janet. I really, really, do.
Jeff: This return of Wasp stuff is ridiculous.

“Avengers Academy” #39 (Marvel)
Andy: This series blows “Ultimate X-Men” and “Teen Titans” out of the water. Great stuff overall from Christos Gage. (4/5) #Avengers
Jeff: Great conclusion to a highly underrated book!

“Avenging Spider-Man” #14 (Marvel)
Andy: Savage Land stories usually have potential for a good time and this issue delivers. More Devil Dinosaur, yo! (3/5) #Spiderman

“AVX: Consequences” #5 (Marvel)
Andy: This issue doesn’t accurately represent the miniseries as a whole and that’s a bummer. (2.5/5) #XMen #AVX
Arnab: I love where this is going. Like I said last week, I fully support a Cyclops’ led Brotherhood and this is kind of that. A
Jeff: The art in this book was really great. The only problem with this mini was the rotating art duties.

“Battlefields: The Green Fields Beyond” #1 (Dynamite)
Andy: Ennis is a solid writer of war comics, but the dialects make reading difficult. (3.5/5) #Battlefields

“Batwing” #15 (DC)
Infinite Speech:
Nothing like the introduction of a creepy villain to spice a story up.

“Before Watchmen: Moloch” #1 (DC)
Andy: I love a good story that makes you feel sympathetic towards a villain. (4/5) #Watchmen

“Colder” #1 (Dark Horse)
Andy: An unexpected surprise of horror and suspense. I’ll check out #2. (3/5) #Colder
Infinite Speech: If the freaky ass cover doesn’t impress you the story just might!

“Daredevil: End of Days” #2 (Marvel)
Andy: Successfully provides a “common man’s” look at the Marvel Universe and is driven with emotion. (3.5/5) #Marvel
Jeff: I’m really enjoying this book and it doesn’t even have Daredevil in it!

“Deadpool” #1 (Marvel)
Andy: More of the same with better art. My expectations were higher. (2/5) #Deadpool #MarvelNOW
Arnab: Ridiculous fun. Seriously, who better to run around town killing dead presidents? A
Dr. Bustos: I’m liking this story, but miss Deadpool’s other internal voice boxes, hopefully they show up soon. A
Jeff: Tony Moore’s work has never looked better…too bad it was on a Deadpool book.

“Defenders” #12 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: We say good bye to the Defenders but it ends on such a sweet, final line that we have that comfort us. A+

“Fairest” #9 (Vertigo)
Andy: Lauren Beukes & Inaki Miranda are absolutely killing it with this story. They need more “Fables” work once it wraps. (4.5/5) #Fables #Fairest

“Flash Gordon: Zeitgeist” #7 (Dynamite)
Infinite Speech:
The perfect reintroduction to a classic character! FLASH! HE’LL SAVE EVERY ONE OF US!!

“Freelancers” #1 (BOOM! Studios)
Andy: Has potential, but the backup story would make for a better main series. It was cute & humorous with fun art. (2.5/5) #Freelancers

“Green Arrow” #14 (DC)
Andy: Ollie’s arrows are so ridiculous in “serious” situations. I miss Freddie Williams II on “Captain Atom.” (2.5/5) #GreenArrow
Arnab: Knowing Lemire and Sorrentino are taking over really makes me happy. B-
Dr. Bustos: Hawkman and Green Arrow teaming up while Ollie gets to try out new gear? Yes, please. A-

“Green Lantern” #14 (DC)
Andy: This new guy’s someone to root for, but can’t heroes ever get along without wailing on each other first? (3/5) #GreenLantern

“Iron Man #1 (Marvel)
Andy: A decent start, and Land’s improved, but it felt too familiar for a relaunch. Also, was that Emma Frost? (3/5) #IronMan #MarvelNOW
Dr. Bustos: I do really enjoy the liquid metal suit, I’ve always wanted Tony to have a suit like that. B+
Infinite Speech: Sometimes you take the good with the bad. In this case the good is Gillen’s story and the bad is some of Greg Land’s art.
Jeff: I actually read a Gillen/Land Iron Man book. Guess what? I regret it.

“Legends of the Dark Knight” #2 (DC)
Andy: A solid Batman story with stylized art, but I feel like I’ve read it before. (3.5/5) #Batman

“New Avengers #32 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: When Doctor Strange tells you to leave a room you need to just get the #$@! out! Way better than the past several issues.
Jeff: I just reread this and didn’t remember the ending, so I’m guessing I really don’t care.

“Road to Oz” #3 (Marvel)
Jeff: There’s one thing for sure: If you’re in Oz, your head will get turned into an animal head, and you’ll meet some effed-up species of  creatures.

Scarlet Spider” #11 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech:
Not the best mini crossover but it could be worse. Janet Van Dyne or Dazzler could be in it.

“Shadowman” #1 (Valiant)
Andy: Knew nothing going in and came out hooked. That was expected though, considering the roll the new Valiant’s been on. (4/5) #Shadowman #Valiant
Infintie Speech: Another strong brick in the house of Valiant!

“Star Trek: The Next Generation: Hive #2 (IDW)
Andy: Being a relatively new Trek fan with little TNG knowledge, this lost me. Great art, though. (3/5) #StarTrek

“Storm Dogs” #1 (Image)
Andy: A worthwhile addition to Image’s growing line-up of science fiction titles with elaborate worlds and great artwork. (4/5) #StormDogs

“Swamp Thing” #14 (DC)
Andy: After reading this issue & “Swamp Thing Annual” #1, I want to re-read the whole series. Really liking Abby’s role. (4/5) #SwampThing
Arnab: American Vampire will always be my favorite Snyder book, but this stuff here? This stuff is golden. A

“Sweet Tooth” #39 (Vertigo)
Andy: Sad this is almost over. Everyone really needs to read this — if you have kids, you really, really need to read it. (4.5/5) #SweetTooth

“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Color Classics” #6 (IDW)
Andy: I’m discovering these oldies for the first time and they still hold up. The coloring’s “meh.” (2.5/5) #TMNT

“Uncanny X-Force” #33 (Marvel)
Andy: Still one of the best X-books out there, but who didn’t see that coming? And I miss Daken flying solo. (3/5) #XMen
Arnab: Uh, yeah. I’m at the point where I’m practically over this book, but I feel like I’ve invested too much to stop now. B
Infinite Speech: I love being right!
Jeff: Bad way to die – having a shark teleported inside of you. That happened in this issue and it was incredible.

“Worlds Finest”#6 (DC)
Andy: Not good. Really bad writing of Damian and the art makes things strange. (1/5) #WorldsFinest

“X-Factor” #246 (Marvel)
Andy: If you like Doop, you’ll dig Pip. (4/5) #XFactor
Arnab: If you don’t like Doop (because, who does really?), you’ll still dig Pip (cuz he’s way cool.) 😛 A-
Jeff: Oh please let Pip die!

“X-Men” #38 (Marvel)
Andy: A solid team-up issue with Daredevil & Domino — Paul Azaceta does a solid Paolo Rivera impression. (3.5/5) #XMen #Daredevil
Jeff: Aw man, I dropped this title because I thought Brian Wood was staying on…this issue was a welcome change with Domino and Daredevil teaming up.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Andy

    Yeah, and in looking at preview art for #4, looks like more Emma Frost’s are on the way.

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