Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 10/5/2011

Action Comics #2 (DC)
Andy: I hate Superman, but I’m loving Action Comics.
Andrew: Second issue does not disappoint. I’m still loving getting to know this new Superman.
Daniel: Usually wasting an issue on a breakout is just that, but this was entertaining. Was that Krypto-1?
NickZ: Doesn’t feel like a Superman story and I can’t say I’m digging the art work, but it’s interesting.

Animal Man #2 (DC)
Andy: Yep, it’s official, Animal Man is the best of the DC New 52! I love the idea of a father/daughter team-up.
Andrew: Still without a doubt the weirdest and most interesting book of the New 52.

Batman: Detective Comics #2 (DC)
Andy: OMG! Bruce Wayne just had SEX with a woman! Call the fire brigade!!!
Andrew: I feel like a lot of what we’ve seen so far has been more for shock value than working toward a great story.
Arnab: What in the world could possess a man to just rip off his shirt and shoes in front of another business man?

Batwing #2 (DC)
Andy: A little unbelievable, but a whole lot of badass. This is one of the surprise reads of the relaunch that every Bat-fan should be checking out.
Andrew: Just a damn good comic book. Solid characters, intense action, and beautifully illustrated gore. Bravo.
Daniel: The story is refreshing being a new character, but was that Batman meets Iron Man on the last page.
Infinite Speech: Winick and Oliver deliver another solid issue but what was that green crap that hit Massacre in the face?

Blood Red Dragon #0 (Image)
Andy: Not my thing. If you’re into the music scene and shirtless dudes with flowing blond locks, give it a go. Otherwise… meh.

The Boys #59 (Dynamite)
Andy: Holy shit. Nobody is safe. The Boys is in full stride once more.

Deadpool #44 (Marvel)
NickZ: I’m not gonna lie, Evil Deadpool looks AWESOME!

Executive Assistant: Iris #4 (Aspen)
Infinite Speech: So THAT’S how he’s been controlling his Executive Assistants!

FF #9 (Marvel)
Andy: When The Inhumans are written well, I can’t get enough of them.

GI Joe #6 (IDW)
Andy: Not bad, but nowhere near as good as Cobra. The art was good, especially when Baroness was present. She looked smokin’ hot.

Green Arrow #2 (DC)
Arnab: See, now this is a Green Arrow I can support and get behind.
Daniel: I don’t care if JT isn’t writing GA anymore, he won me over by mentioning UW, the Sonics, and the Key.

Hawk & Dove #2 (DC)
Daniel: Cardinal, Pigeon, Stork, & other birds to be mentioned. That just got a bit ridiculous for the first story arc.

Huntress #1 (DC)
Andy: Marcos To art is always a good choice, but the story is nothing original… and is this Earth 2 Huntress? I’m confused.
Daniel: Good start to a mini. The art is absolutely amazing. Hope it gets turned into an ongoing at some point.
NickZ: Huntress has got some bad ass moves and Marcus To is bringing it with the art work!

Invincible #83 (Skybound)
NickZ: You can just feel something big is about to happen.

Justice League International #2 (DC)
Andy: And after two issues, still no fucks were given.
NickZ: This JLI team is growing on me and Batman just owns everybody, every time he speaks.

The Last of the Greats #1 (Image)
Andy: We all knew Josh Fialkov could write crime fiction and horror to perfection, and it looks like we can add superhero sci-fi to the list now, too.
Arnab: This book was great. If you have the time and money and need a good book to read, try this one out, you won’t regret it.
Daniel: Best take on superheroes since The Boys.

Men of War #2 (DC)
Andy: Um, yeah, playing “safe” on a war comic just doesn’t work. Cool idea, terrible execution.

Moon Knight #6 (Marvel)
Andy: The scene where the Avengers showed up was amusing in typical Bendis fashion. Having Echo co-star is a great choice.

Moriarty #5 (Image)
Andy: Volume 1 was way cool, but I’m on the fence as to continuing forward…

Mystic #3 (CrossGen)
Andy: My favorite of all the CG reboot titles so far. It fun and lighthearted without losing its zip. Read it, then give it to your 11 year old daughter. She’ll love it!

Penguin: Pain and Prejudice #1 (DC)
Andy: A surprise A+ right here. A disturbing story with mood-fitting artwork. Every Gothamite should read it.
Andrew: Wow. I’ve never seen Penguin be this badass. Awesome!
Daniel: Wow, loving the story so far, and its only enhancing my views of Penguin with the brutality.
Infinite Speech: Hurwitz and Kudranski have given me a new respect for The Penguin! This is a great start to this mini series right here!

Severed #3 (Image)
Andy: Creepy old man horror at its most uncomfortable. Why? Because it feels too real.
Arnab: Scott Snyder and Scott Tuft have penned the most frightening book out right now. Meanwhile, Attila Futaki’s art crawls into your skin and refuses to let go. Without a doubt, this a must read book.
Infinite Speech: I’m glad that Sam has some street smarts because Jack is pissing me off. Can’t wait to see what happens next though!

The Sixth Gun #15 (Oni)
Andy: Cullen Bunn has created a wonderful world here that gets more depth with every issue. Too bad Marvel is interrupting its flow by giving him more work.

Skull Kickers #11 (Image)
Infinite Speech: Funny. As. F@#$%!
NickZ: Probably the most hilariously fun book out today. And that epilogue, what the hell?

Spawn #212 (Image)
Andy: Confused about the history of Spawn and just what exactly has happened in the last 115 issues? All will be clarified here.
Infinite Speech: Whoa! If you left Spawn for whatever reason NOW is the time to come back!

Static Shock #2 (DC)
Andy: This one doesn’t last beyond #12. Who wants to bet against me?
Infinite Speech: “Nice mark, bruh. You bangin’?” Really? And when did Virgil’s sister get cloned?

The Strange Talent of Luther Strode #1 (Image)
Andy: My expectations were low, but even if they were high, they would have been waaay surpassed. Such a cool issue! Kind of reminds of Invincible and Kick-Ass.
Arnab: This was a surprise hit for me. One, because I didn’t know it existed till I found it waiting for me and two, because I didn’t expect it to be as great as it was.

Superior #5 (Icon)
Andy: My favorite of the Millar books to date. Why? Because decapitations, incestual happenings, and dead children are absent from the pages… for now.

Supernatural #1 (DC)
Arnab: DC’s first foray into the realm of Supernatural was not a good one. This book was an overall strange read and the choice not to include both brothers was a wrong one.

Swamp Thing #2 (DC)
Andrew: Very wordy, but still creepy and intriguing.
Andy: Lots of talking, but Snyder is setting up plenty. Read it with Animal Man… I think they may tie-in at some point.
Arnab: If you had told me exactly one year ago I would care even the slightest bit about Swamp Thing, I’d have died of laughter. Now? This book is flippin’ fantastic.

Sweet Tooth #26 (Vertigo)
Andy: My favorite issue of this series so far, and a good jumping in point for new readers. When you go for your copy of Animal Man #2, don’t forget about Sweet Tooth.

The Test #1 (Top Cow)
Andy: Gonna be tough to top this one for my choice of Pilot Season 2011, but Filip Sablik’s (Last Mortal) one-shot could give The Test a solid run for its money.

Thunderbolts #164 (Marvel)
Andy: The best Marvel comic book nobody is reading. Seriously, why isn’t Marvel pushing this title more? It’s been excellent since Jeff Parker and Kev Walker took over!
Daniel: Jeff Parker is giving us one of the best Invader’s stories ever! Love the Princess Bride reference from Satana.

Vescell #2 (Image)
Infinite Speech: I saw a mystical hitman get stabbed with a vibrator. Never, EVER thought I’d type that.

The Walking Dead #89 (Image)
Andy: The last 3 pages of this book were the best of any comic this week. So badass. These characters have truly developed over the years.
Arnab: When it comes to character development, Kirkman is am-ah-zing. The end of this book was awesome.
Jeff: Finally, something happens! Am I the only one who thinks that Kirkman might be meandering here?
NickZ: With an ending like that, how can anyone not love this book. Rick is a BEAST!

X-23 #15 (Marvel)
Arnab: While this is a very strange arc, I am very much enjoying Laura’s interaction with people outside the mutant realm. Makes her feel like more of a person.
Daniel: Why does the FF have to show up everywhere? More importantly, why do they not have road signs in these dream sequences?
NickZ: This is the lamest arc since this series began. It makes no sense and doesn’t fit with the tone of this book.

X-Men #19 (Marvel)
Arnab: It would appear that I don’t hold as much disdain for this arc as some of my compadres do. The art was fantastic though.
Andy: My cat’s shit is less shittier than this storyline. And I was a fan of Curse of the Mutants.
Daniel: I figured it out, the real X-Men stories start after Schism right? Right?
Jeff: I’d like to see Jorge Molina on a book that actually matters.
NickZ: Doctor Doom once again proves why he is one of the best Marvel characters around.

X-Men Schism #5 (Marvel)
Andy: While the schism itself was weak, this was a solid issue. I have faith in Jason Aaron going forward as he’s a man of big ideas. I hope he does Iceman justice. Looks like he will.
Arnab: Wolverine and his band of idiots can leave Utopia and die for all I care. What a bunch of turncoats.
Daniel: The worst thing about Schism? Cyclops is still a tool. The best thing? X-Dudes stuck with Wolvie.
Infinite Speech: Scott and Logan have officially broken up and in this issue we see who gets the kids.
NickZ: Wolverine is an idiot. His reason for leaving doesn’t hold up and why exactly did those other people leave with him? Stupid.
Jeff: GLOB HERMAN? Where the heck has that guy been this whole time????

Be sure to catch up on all past Chirps here!

Andrew Hurst
Andy Liegl
Arnab Pradhan
Daniel Fabrizio
Infinite Speech
Jeff Jackson
Nick Zamora

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Nick

    Looks like Schism has divided the Comic Attacks crew as well. I’m interested to know who side everyone is on. I’m with Cyclops all the way!

  2. InfiniteSpeech

    It seems as if they waited until the final issue of Schism to explain a valid reason for Logan’s actions. This story would have been a LOT stronger and his leaving would have meant more if this was done with a slow build up over the past year. He feels like Scott has allowed the overall vision of what it means to be an X-Man to be perverted. Reinforced by his little chat where the young lady calls herself a monster and actually says that being a murderer is what being an X-Man is about. I know we joked that Logan trained Kitty and others that have killed but he also was able to give tham a balance and to accept themselves and their differences.

    What’s happening now is going against that and that’s why there is friction. What sucks is that Marvel felt the need NOT to have this play out for a bit before Schism started.

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