Werewolves on the Moon Versus Vampires Review

Werewolves on the Moon Versus Vampires from Dark Horse comics is a great comedy/horror comic.  It’s written by Dave Land with art and lettering by the Fillbach Brothers, and Dan Jackson on colors. Dave Land has been working on comics since the mid 90’s; he edited numerous titles for Dark Horse, including Star Wars, and Aliens titles. While I don’t know who the Fillbach brothers are this title appears to be their pet project.werewolves

I’m also not sure how the characters became werewolves; the three main wolves as it were are Ted, Jeff, and Stan. They are not your typical werewolves with all the growling, and biting, and dismembering. Ted, Jeff, and Stan somehow get the idea to catch a shuttle to the moon and while waiting for it to arrive they nibble on some passengers consequently turning them into werewolves too. While on the moon there is a vampire plot in the works, and a moon colony that now is overrun with werewolves and vampires which provides for some great werewolf and vampire fights in the comic. In general the interior art is decent as it has an almost Tank Girl feel to it. WWotMVV is definitely more of a comedy title than a horror one, with great lines like ” I swear you must’ve been bitten by a retarded werewolf.” This is a pretty good read and I can’t wait to find out what actually is going on in this title!

Scott Andrews

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Andy

    This comic sounds absolutely ridiculous!

  2. InfiniteSpeech

    You just can’t go wrong with a cover like that! Is this ongoing or limited?

  3. Jason

    Nice! I am going to have to hound my LCS for this or you know….go to that one place we all know and bother people for it.

  4. Scott

    It’s a three issue mini series, All three issues are out I still need to pick the others up though…

  5. DecapitatedDan

    I passes on this one. Seemed to gimmicky to me. But after reading the review I might just have to change my mind. Nice one Scott

  6. Jason

    Only three issues?! That is even better that fits right into my budget! Counts me in I have been converted!

  7. Kelly

    This sounds absolutely ridiculous…

    I think I might have to take a look at it, if only for some giggles!

    Besides, I *heart* werewolves.

  8. Princess Powerful

    Umm wow.

    *mind is blown (streamers, balloons fly out of her head)*

  9. The Movie Lady

    Tank Girl?! Count me in! Lol. The art on the cover looks pretty cool.

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