Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 04/06/16

Batgirl #50 (DC)
NickZ: It’s all out girl power as Babs and her gal pals take the fight to the Fugue!

Batman Beyond #11 (DC)
NickZ: The future is finally looking hopeful for the first time since Tim arrived.

Batman: Detective Comics #51 (DC)
Arnab: I could have sworn we were done with Gordon-Bat. Why is he still around?
Martin: 4/5 stars. I liked this better than I anticipated. A straight-up detective story in a war zone. Plus desert cultists.
NickZ: The only thing more boring than Batman Jim Gordon, is Marine Jim Gordon.

Black Panther: #1 (Marvel)black panther 1
Infinite Speech: Coates and Stelfreeze breathe new life into Wakanda and it’s King with rich storytelling and mind blowing visuals! Pick this up!

Black Widow #2 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: The mystery here is killing me but it’s such a fun story so far!

Deadpool #9 (Marvel)
NickZ: Deadpool vs Sabretooth is disturbing, violent, hilarious, and sad, all at the same time!

Dreaming Eagles #4 (Aftershock)
Infinite Speech: So many feels in this series and it just excels with each issue!

Empress #1 (Icon)
Infinite Speech: That escalated pretty quickly and for all the right reasons!
Martin: 4/5 stars. Intriguing premise, great art, & a good story make a strong debut. Hopefully issue #2 has more character development.

Grizzly Shark #1 (Image)
NickZ: Equally ridiculous and hilarious! Until a shark eats my bottom half and my dad cauterizes it in a camp fire, make mine Ottley!

Invincible Iron Man #8 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Spidey and Rhodey stole the show!

Justice League The Darkseid War Special #1 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Just another reason why this storyline has been the highlight of DC Comics when it was needed most!
Martin: 4/5 stars. It’s been so long, I thought the Darkseid War was over. Mainly sets up the next JL issue
NickZ: We learn more about Grail and Power Ring’s histories as Geoff Johns epic story continues!

Mighty Morphin Pommpr 2wer Rangers #2 (BOOM!)
Infinite Speech: There is no excuse for any longtime Ranger fan NOT to be reading this series! Tommy is no joke!

Ninjak #14 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: Kindt writes one hell of a story while Bernard makes it look even better! Ninjak is a must have on your pull list!

Poe Dameron #1 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Nice to get some background on characters we saw briefly in TFA but Noto’s art was the main draw for this one! No pun intended!
NickZ: This failed to capture Poe’s charm but the BB-8 back-up story was super cute!

Predator: Life and Death #2 (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech: The body count rises and it’s great to get in the action so soon!

Rachel Rising #41 (Abstract Studio)
Infinite Speech: Consistency in fantastic storytelling amongst all of these reboots is what Rachel Rising is about! Do yourself a favor and start from the first issue and keep going!

Spider-Man #3 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Miles’ grandmother is savage but I like the little “moment” between him and Kamala! Too bad Black Cat is going to be ruining things in Miles’ life soon.

Superman #51 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. Really great art, and an interesting premise to the “wind-down” of New 2 Superman before Rebirth.

Superman: The Coming of the Supermen #3 (DC)
Martin: 3/5 stars. I’m digging the old school vibe but at some point the story should actually start making sense.

Think wicked divine 18Tank: Creative Destruction #1 (Top Cow)
Infinite Speech: Hawkins and Ekedal return to scare the crap out of you in one of the best comics one the shelf right now!
NickZ: Smart, funny, and more frightening than ever! One of the best comic book series out there! I can not recommend it enough!

The Uncanny Avengers #8 (Marvel)
NickZ: Considering I’m not reading the rest of Stand Off, I wasn’t too lost reading this issue.

Uncanny X-Men #6 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Cullen Bunn hit some great nostalgia regarding Archangel along with Lashley and Medina making the book look better than it has in a while!
NickZ: Many threads are getting pulled in this issue and I’m surprised to say, I’m curious to see what unravels.

The Walking Dead #153 (Image)
Arnab: This is why you don’t take prisoners.
NickZ: Rick should have killed Negan when he had the chance.

The Wicked + The Divine #18 (Image)
Arnab: That was fantastic.
NickZ: This issue was insane action sandwiched between a shocking beginning and a shocking ending!

The Woods #21 (Boom!)
NickZ: I feel like the theme of this “season” has been redemption. I will not stop rooting for these kids.

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