Vertigo Reviews: American Vampire #5

American Vampire #5
Publisher: Vertigo Comics
Writers: Scott Snyder & Stephen King
Art/Cover: Rafael Albuquerque
Variant Cover: Paul Pope
Pages: 32
Price: US $3.99
Release Date: July 28, 2010

***CAUTION: This Review Contains Spoilers!***

1925.  Los Angeles, California.  Pearl Jones.

The American breed of vampire is weakened when the evening sky is moonless.  The Euro Trash breed of vampire is weakened when the sun is out.  Pearl and her boyfriend, Henry, set out in the daytime to get their revenge on movie producer B.D. Bloch for ruining Pearl’s life and Henry’s buddy’s car!

Stakes are whittled.  Hearts are pierced.  A skylight is shattered.  Bloch becomes the first California Raisin, but that sonuvabitch didn’t hear anything through the grape vine.  A friendship comes to a brutal end.  Pearl and Henry set out to start a brand new life together.  Pearl and Skinner part ways with a cryptic, “Plans, plans.  So many plans….”

1912.  Cruces, New Mexico.

Three years after being buried in rubble after the confrontation with Pinkerton agent James Book last issue, sissy fat-boy Percy sends a couple of men to unearth Skinner Sweet and bring him to his ranch.  Percy offers a compromise.  Skinner ain’t having it.  Skinner burns a fatty.  “Plans, plans.  So many plans….”

For the last three years, James Book has been living a nightmare.  In his skirmish with Skinner Sweet, Book had come into contact with Sweet’s blood.  It was only a little bit of blood, so he’s gradually changing.  Little by little, he’s going insane and feeding off gophers, sheep, and other wild animals he finds, while it gets harder and harder to fight the urge to start feeding on humans.  Book’s Goddaughter (the daughter of his old deputy, Felix Camillo), Abilena, finally puts him out of his misery.  But not before he leaves behind a legacy.

Stephen King left Scott Snyder a new toy to play with….

“Plans, plans.  So many plans….”

The first story arc for American Vampire has ended.  It was in no way rushed or forced, but it was eight pages shorter than the first four issues.  A strategy to ease us into the 32-page format for the next arc, perhaps?  I no longer have to tell you about Stephen King and, newly exclusive DC Comics writer, Scott Snyder‘s writing.  By now, even a blind man can see that they kick ass and chew bubble gum.  Rafael Albuquerque’s art is premium.  I wouldn’t want to see anyone else draw this book.  I’m not an artist, so I can’t tell you what he’s doing, but his different style for each time period never skips a beat.  Just beautiful stuff!

We’ve been spoiled with a comic that’s been jam-packed from cover to cover.  We’ve also been spoiled with quality storytelling, both written and drawn, that I know won’t be leaving the book because Stephen King has left the book.  I’m excited about the unlimited possibilities of the story and these characters.  “Plans, plans.  So many plans….”

I’m not leaving because Stephen King’s part is over, and I hope you aren’t either.  I’m going to sit right here and wait for the next show to start.  No, I’m not going to get out of my seat.  If you try to stab me in the eye, I’m gonna get all Pearl Jones on your ass!

Aron White

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Billy

    Sounds like a solid read. Hopefully everybody will stick with it.

  2. Aron

    Billy, it’s so solid you should get the hardcover! It’s coming out soon and it’s incredibly, stoopidly CHEAP!

  3. Kris

    Another fun review, Aron. 🙂 Almost makes me want to buy it.

  4. Aron

    Thank you, Kristin! It would be wise to do as Speech has done and clear some shelf space for the hardcover.

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