Vertigo Reviews: American Vampire #11

American Vampire #11
Publisher: Vertigo Comics
Writer: Scott Snyder
Art: Mateus Santolouco
Cover: Rafael Albuquerque
Price: US $2.99 (Part of DC’s “Drawing the line at $2.99” commitment!)
Release Date: January 26, 2011

***CAUTION: This Review Contains Spoilers!***

The Way Out,” Part 2 of 2.

This issue dives head first into the cliffhanger ending of last issue. We get to see Pearl fully indulged in the monster/killer side of her cursed situation. American Vampire #11 treats us to some of the best kills seen in this series since issue #3! Pearl knows how to make killing look so good! And fun! Kids, don’t try this at home. After the dust settles, Henry is missing. A panicked Pearl sets out to find her husband. Elsewhere, Hattie Hargrove’s body count rises in her quest for revenge against her once best friend, Pearl. This time, there are plenty of innocent victims pulled into her bloody wake. She used to get on my nerves, but now I think I’m starting to like Hattie.

The conclusion of The Way Out leaves us in very much the same fashion as the conclusion to Devil in the Sanddid. Scott Snyder has opened yet another door for future stories down the road. “Plans, plans. So many plans….” It seems Scott Snyder shares Skinner Sweet’s mindset when it comes to his approach on his creator-owned series. One issue shy of a full year, and tracks are still being laid down to take this series down a very long (hopefully), bloody path. There are no signs of letting up. Proof of that is shown in the announcement that there will be an American Vampire mini-series spin-off (written by Snyder and drawn by Sean Murphy) that will run along with, and tie into, the upcoming World War II story arc that begins in American Vampire #13! Issue #13 also marks the return of series regular artist, Rafael Albuquerque! But before he returns, I want to give Mateus Santolouco a hardy pat on the back for keeping American Vampire so gorgeous to look at!

Aron White

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Billy

    Nice review man! That WWII arc coming soon sounds good!

  2. Aron

    Thank you, sir! Yeah, man, I’m stoked for it!

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