The Comics Dispatch episode 1: Artist Dave Rapoza

Welcome to Radio’s podcast debut of The Comics Dispatch!

Each week join Andy, Daniel, and a special guest as they discuss the latest comic book industry news.

This week the guys dicuss the new direction for Captain America and Green Lantern, the announcement of three characters from the Big Two who are making a return to comics, Supergirl goes to college, and the Eisner Awards. Plus, they are joined by special guest, artist Dave Rapoza, as they talk Turtles with the announcement of IDW Publishing’s TMNT reboot!

The Comics Dispatch Episode 1

You can click the link to listen to the podcast or right click “save link as” to download it.

Click here to download past episodes of the show. Special thanks to artist and friend, J.K. Woodward for creating the banner image!

Andy Liegl

Daniel Fabrizio

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Aron


    Hey, I couldn’t find the Locke & Key reviews. Where them is?

    Why do you guys gotta be beating up on Ryan Renyolds? Yeah, Hal Jordan is a stone cold badass NOW, but when he was just starting out, don’t you think he would flip out just a little bit at all the cool shit he gets to do? I mean, I sure would. I would definitely show it off to my buddy like in the scene of the trailer you discussed.

    But I also agree with you guys, too, let’s watch the movie before we already list off dudes who should have played Hal before we even get to see Ryan do work.

  2. Andy

    That’s the thing though- more than any of these other characters getting movies this summer, Hal is the one who has evolved so far beyond his original personna. Cap and Thor are still the same guys they were decades ago. Hal isn’t and I think that’s a good thing.

    But now I’m so used to this task oriented, get the job done, bad ass Hal Jordan, the last thing I want to see is him as a clown.

  3. Jeff

    Dave Rapoza’s art is killer. I’d love to see him on book.

    As for Scalped, I just don’t get it. Everyone says it’s awesome, but I read the first trade and was really underwhelmed. Maybe it got better after those first issues? It might just not be my kinda book.

    I agree with you about Morning Glories, even though I’m really digging that book. I don’t need everything revealed, but it would be nice to have a few pay-offs along the way. And Joe Eisma’s art is not stellar. It seems like a book with this much acclaim should have some better interiors. The cover artist is awesome, though!

    And as for the GL movie conversation…all I have to say is….FEET.

  4. DecapitatedDan

    Great show guys! Now GO READ LOCKE & KEY!

  5. InfiniteSpeech

    Bucky has evolved into a good Cap and it’s because Brubaker has been developing a great character. I’m tired of comic fans complaining that everything is the same but the minute a little change comes they scream and bitch for things to go back to what they were complaining about in the first place.

    I agree with Andy about how Hal has evolved as a character over the years in the comics but since this is a movie about his beginnings we’re gonna have to suck it up and revisit the rookie/corny Hal of yesteryear. You gotta remember that the movie studio is also trying to introduce this guy to anyone who may not know as much as we comic fans do about Hal Jordan.

    Oh, and I hope Guy bites the big one. I don’t think DC will kill John because that will just open up a whole can of worms for them. He’s slowly faded away and been pushed aside since McDuffie was taken off of JLA which really sucks.

    I’m hoping the TMNT reboot stays gritty like the original series or at least a PG-13 type of book. Less comedy and teenage foolishness and more bloody ninja action with great stories. I was honestly pissed off at the cartoon for MANY reasons when I was a kid because I had been reading the comics off and on for years. I just want a decent interpretation to come out of this whole thing.

  6. Billy

    Great podcast dudes! Brubaker has done a phenomenal job with Bucky and I want him to stay on as Cap and leave Steve in charge of SHIELD or whatever it is now. He’s fine on Secret Avengers imo. Who cares which Lantern dies…any one is as good as another…as long as it isn’t G’Nort! 😀

  7. Kristin

    Had I known you were talking Eisners, I would have made the effort to pop in and talk about the manga nominations. 🙁

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