Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 12/11/13
3 Guns #5 (Boom!) Infinite Speech: Grant and Laiso have delivered one hell of a story you'll want to see through to the end! Adventure Time: Candy Capers #6 (Boom!) NickZ: Peppermint…
3 Guns #5 (Boom!) Infinite Speech: Grant and Laiso have delivered one hell of a story you'll want to see through to the end! Adventure Time: Candy Capers #6 (Boom!) NickZ: Peppermint…
Adventures of Superman #7 (DC) NickZ: These are the kind of stories that make Superman interesting. Stories where he can't just…
All-New X-Men #18 (Marvel) Arnab: If and when they do go back, is everyone assuming Xavier won't notice that they've all aged a couple months to possibly a year? Infinite…
Adventure Time: Candy Capers #4 (Boom!) NickZ: Susan Strong and the Ice King fail Peppermint Butler, but it looks like he has his own dark plans in the works. Archer…
3 Guns #2 (BOOM!) Infinite Speech: Why didn't I read 2 Guns because I'm really liking this series so far! Action Comics #23.2 (DC) Martin: Greg Pak delivers one of…
Archer & Armstrong #12 (Valiant) Jeff: Pere Perez has proven to be an awesome addition to this book. And Van Lente knocks another out of the park. Infinite Speech: Valiant…
Adventure Time: Candy Capers #1 (Kaboom!) NickZ: This was pretty hilarious! Peppermint Butler is such an evil creep. Astonishing X-Men #64 (Marvel) Andy: Man, I hope Iceman still comes out of…
American Vampire: The Long Road to Hell Special #1 (Vertigo) Andy: My favorite read this week. Suspensful. Emotional. Resonating. It's FUCKING GREAT! 5/5 Arnab: Hell. Yes. This is what vampires are…