Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 10/09/13


Adventure Time: Candy Capers #4 (Boom!)
NickZ: Susan Strong and the Ice King fail Peppermint Butler, but it looks like he has his own dark plans in the works.

Archer & Armstrong #14 (Valiant)
Jeff: This book is at its best when it has religious conspiracy and a few slapstick moments. Loved the goofy Pharaoh.

axmn 68Astonishing X-Men #68 (Marvel)
Jeff: Was that intended to be emotional?
NickZ: Marjorie Liu’s rather somber run on Astonishing X-Men comes to an end as does the series or at least this incarnation of it.

Astro City #5 (DC)
Martin: The return of the Broken Man & 3 new story threads to draw us in. Art for the 1930s art deco story is amazing.

Avengers Arena #16 (Marvel)
Jeff: Everyone has snapped and we’re getting to the end! I love this book!!
NickZ: Things get off the charts crazy in this issue without much explanation as to why the kids are now so blood thirsty all of a sudden. The “they finally snapped” explanation is weak.

Batgirl #24 (DC)
Martin: Finally back to the “Wanted” storyline & watching Babs deal with adversity. Sadly next month it gets skipped again
NickZ: You know your family got issues when you almost accidentally punch your dad after he intentionally shoots your boyfriend. Get it together Gordon family.

Batman #24 (DC)
Dr. Bustos: Leave it to Alfred to best describe Batman.
Jeff: Not a bad re-imagining of the Red Hood/Batman fight in the chemical plant.
Martin: I wasn’t keen on the price for this double-sized issue, but got more awesome art & a fun look at young Bruce.
NickZ: Best issue of Snyder and Capullo’s run, right here! Damn near a masterpiece!

Batman Li’l Gotham #7 (DC)
NickZ: This comic makes me miss Damian more and more. šŸ™ Super fun book, though! Don’t miss it.

Bushido #2 (Top Cow)
Martin: An interesting premise is not helped by poor pacing and confusing layouts. The art style is pretty good, though.

chew 37Chew #37 (Image)
Arnab: Fucking amazing.
Jeff: Food porn. Yes. Layman and Guillory made that a thing.
NickZ: Tony “huanted” by Toni is comedy gold. I don’t want this series to end at 60.

Constantine #7 (DC)
Martin: This series finally seems to be coming into its own & out from the shadow of Hellblazer. New art this month helps.

Fearless Defenders #10 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: The cover and the new character are a lot of fun, bring on more of this.

Forever Evil: Arkham War #1 (DC)
Martin: The Professor Pyg scenes were a bit creepy, but overall this falls a bit flat.
NickZ:Ā Bane draws first blood as the war over Gotham begins. BTW I’m team Arkham.

Infinity #4 (Marvel)
Arnab: Thor is almost always a badass.
Jeff: The only thing worth seeing in this issue is Thor turning the tide.

The Manhattan Projects #15 (Image)
Arnab: Oppenheimer is mad crazy.
Dr. Bustos: Oppenheimer’s story is befitting his mental state.

Nightwing #24 (DC)
Arnab: Fuck Forever Evil. All these events keep screwing with this series.
NickZ: Nightwing must team up with his parent’s killer to save Chicago and defeat the Prankster. Yes, you read that right.

Rachel Rising #20 (Abstract)
Jeff: This was the week for people getting hacked up, but no one did it better than Zoe.

SmallvilleĀ SeasonĀ Eleven #18 (DC)
NickZ: Wonder Woman and Superman try their best to keep Faust from releasing Hades upon the world of man. This book is just AWESOME!

Superboy #24 (DC)
NickZ: Psycho Pirate and Doctor Psycho battle over Superboy’s powers while he remains a helpless pawn, as usual.

Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #4 (Marvel)
NickZ: The more time Doc Ock is Spider-Man, the more “Peter-like” he becomes… interesting.

Superman/Wonder Woman #1 (DC)
Martin: Hard to judge as a first issue. Feels more like the continuation of a previous story. Art is well done.
NickZ: Not bad for a first issue. Already bringing out the big guns for the Super couple to face. I like the idea of Wonder Woman wanting to train Superman how to fight.

Think Tank #10 (Top Cow)
NickZ: Another great issue of Think Tank. Hawkins and Ekedal are killing it with every issue! A must read for anyone smart.

Thor God of Thunder #14 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: I look forward to more of this Dungeons and Dragons campaign.

Uncanny X-Force #12 (Marvel)
NickZ: Nice little Spiral adventure. Interesting how they are softening her up before she joins the team.

axmn 68The Walking Dead #115 (Image)
Arnab: This can go one of two ways. It will obviously go the way it goes. Which will be one of those aforementioned two ways.
Jeff: Of course that wasn’t going to go as planned…
NickZ: The connecting covers were really awesome! They totally picked the right moments to spotlight in each one.

Wolverine #10 (Marvel)
NickZ: If only the note on the cover would actually happen.

X-Men #6 (Marvel)
Arnab: This is going by wicked fast. I like it like that. Also, Team Wolverine getting their asses kicked? Hilarious.
Dr. Bustos: I only know part of what’s going on, but what I’m reading, I’m liking.
Jeff: I think I’d like the “bad future X-Men” if I knew what the hell their plan was.
NickZ: Some interesting developments. I like the fact that Cyclops’s X-Men are going to have to rescue Wolverine’s X-Men.

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