Crisis of Infinite Reviews 10/09/13

Crisis of Infinite Reviews 10/09/13

batgirl 24Batgirl #24
Writer: Gail Simone
Artists: Fernando Pasarin, Jonathan Glapion, and Blond
Cover Artist: Alex Garner
Publisher: DC Comics

When it rains, it pours. Unfortunately, in Batgirl’s case the downpour is a particularly tumultuous one. Barbara’s relationship with her father has been rocky ever since James Jr. died and Commissioner Gordon blamed Batgirl. Gordon’s action in this issue will more than likely take that fresh wound and shred it to pieces. Gail Simone is doing a phenomenal job with this arc. As good as the action sequences have been, the underlying focus on relationships and emotional tethers has made this a fantastic read. Barbara’s relationship with her father has always been one of the stronger Father/Daughter relationships in comics, so it will be interesting to see how this all plays out. Fernando Pasarin, with Jonathan Glapion and Blond, is doing a superb job on this book. There are occasional situations when the characters are depicted in awkward angles, but for the most part this book is as gorgeous as it is entertaining. It should also be noted that Alex Garner, the cover artist, has been on fire these last couple of months with these amazing photorealistic covers. 4.5/5

nightwing 24Nightwing #24
Writer: Kyle Higgins
Artists: Will Conrad and Peter Pantazis
Cover Artist: Will Conrad and Peter Pantazis
Publisher: DC Comics

It seems that every time this series gets on a roll, an event in a completely different book comes along and screws everything up. Kyle Higgins did a great job with this Tony Zucco arc. He brought the character back, reignited the angst within Nightwing, created a sense of closure that had previously been missing, and ended with Zucco being left in the waiting for a future arc. The story took some unexpected turns, kept the readers on their feet, and for the most part was a really good story. On top of that, Will Conrad’s art with colors by Peter Pantazis looked spectacular in this issue. The trouble comes when you factor in the Forever Evil event that is currently going on, which takes place at an unknown time in the future but has already impacted the future of this series. With Nightwing having been unmasked in Forever Evil, the direction of this series is bound to shift once more, which is unfortunate seeing as it has only recently righted itself after the multiple Batman crossovers. 4/5

Be sure to check out previous editions of Crisis of Infinite Reviews by clicking here!

Arnab Pradhan

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