Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 08/14/13


Archer & Armstrong #12 (Valiant)
 Jeff: Pere Perez has proven to be an awesome addition to this book. And Van Lente knocks another out of the park.
Infinite Speech: Valiant is still kicking major butt with this title!

astonishing 65Astonishing X-Men #65 (Marvel)
Arnab: That cover is beyond words beautiful.
Boy, this story fell so flat. It’s too bad this had no real weight to it.

Astro City #3 (DC/Vertigo)
Martin: @KurtBusiek continues to knock it out of the park. This has been my 1st intro to Astro City – totally digging it

Avengers Arena #13 (Marvel)
Jeff: A great issue that answers the question as to what the friends of these characters are wondering about them.

Batman #23 (DC)
Arnab: The main story bored me. The mini, back story was awesome.
Martin: Zero Year continues to impress even while covering some old ground. Some of the best art of the series.
Jeff: Capullo was born to draw Batman.
Infinite Speech: I vote that Capullo draw Batman until the year 2075! His art definitely made up for the story here!

Deadpool #14 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: Luke Cage and Power Fist! Glad the trio are together again. B

Doctor Who #12 (IDW)
Jeff: A fantastic conclusion to this arc! I wish this had been made into an episode!

Fantastic Four #12 (Marvel)
Jeff: Couldn’t even finish this issue. I’m done

Fearless Defenders #8 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: An intelligent, female Brood! Give her a series! Broo too! A

infinity 1Infinity #1 (Marvel)
Arnab: That Hickman sure does write an epic story..
Jeff: Now this Marvel event feels important. Fantastic art by Cheung! Hope they don’t ruin it with another artist next month!
Infinite Speech: This better have a strong finish because this issue was great!

Justice League of America #7 (DC)
Martin: Only 2 issues left & I can firmly say I don’t care what Pandora’s Box is. Not sure if DC knows.
Infinite Speech: So underwhelmed with this “event”.

Saga #13 (Image)
Dr. Bustos: Bone Bugs are the worst. A
Jeff: If you haven’t jumped onto the bandwagon, this is a great place to start.
Infinite Speech: Saga is back and I couldn’t be happier! Glad they finally named “slave girl” though!

Secret Avengers #7 (Marvel)
Jeff: I’m surprised by how great this book has been. It really feels like they got the black ops thing right.

Scarlet Spider #20 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech:
Fun issue that didn’t make me hate clones

Spawn #234 (Image)
Infinite Speech:
Now I’m uspset I never read Haunt and FINALLY Jim gets a warning about his suit!

Thor God of Thunder #11 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: What an ending! Sorry we didn’t get a fourth Thor so we’d be able to say 4 Thor. A
Jeff: This book is nothing short of “epic.”

T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #1 (IDW)
Martin: Somewhat slow first issue, but deals with introducing the main characters well.

uxmn 10Uncanny X-Men #10 (Marvel)
Arnab: I really hate the Avengers and Shield.
Jeff: I know he’s not for everyone, but Irving’s art is a great trade-off with Bachalo.
Infinite Speech: Best parts of this issue are when Cyclops is off panel.

The Walking Dead #113 (Image)
Arnab: Go Andrea!
Jeff: Finally! Something really cool happened in this book.

Wolverine #8 (Marvel)
Jeff: Not even Alan Davis’ art can fix this book. Stay far away!
Infinite Speech: Great seeing Black Panther 10 steps ahead of everyone as usual but I still don’t care about the main plot.

Wolverine and the X-Men #34 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: Giants fighting an ice-version of Voltron, YAY! A
Jeff: This Hellfire stuff has got to go. I’m losing interest fast.

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