Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 12/11/13

3 Guns #5 (Boom!) Infinite Speech: Grant and Laiso have delivered one hell of a story you'll want to see through to the end! Adventure Time: Candy Capers #6 (Boom!) NickZ: Peppermint…

Continue Reading Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 12/11/13

Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 12/04/13

Amazing Spider-Man #700.1 (Marvel) Jeff: Wow...I totally don't miss Peter Parker. Amazing X-Men #2 (Marvel) Infinite Speech: Maybe I'd like this better if it didn't have pirates in it. I'm…

Continue Reading Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 12/04/13

Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 11/13/13

All-New X-Men #18 (Marvel) Arnab: If and when they do go back, is everyone assuming Xavier won't notice that they've all aged a couple months to possibly a year? Infinite…

Continue Reading Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 11/13/13