Samurai’s Blood #6
Publisher: Image Comics
Writer: Owen Wiseman
Artist: Nam Kim (cover by Jo Chen)
32 pages, full color, no ads! $2.99
HO-LEE CRAP! You know, there are times in a comic book when I love and hate dialog, but when a writer can mix dialog in amongst action flawlessly, that’s saying something. Well, look no further than the final issue of this series (well, all the issues really). I’m not going to give away much at all about the contents of the book, but I will tell you that this issue has a plethora of fantastic scenes of action, drama, and outright awesomeness in its pages. We see the three remaining members of Clan Sanjo along with Koga-San enter the chambers of the ruthless overlord that killed their family and friends not so long ago. He and his savage lieutenant Araku sit boastfully on a throne that was stolen from Katashi, but by the end of this meeting, there will be a reckoning! Lives will be lost, dreams dashed, and kingdoms crumbled. Count on it!
I honestly don’t know how to describe how great this book is. If the fantastic writing by Wiseman wasn’t enough, you have Kim’s artwork to drool over as well. These guys should definitely do another book together now that this one has wrapped. I mean, this is easily tied for my read of the year along with The Vault (another great Image book, click to read). The book is appealing on so many levels. First, the action lover, who would be blown away by the great sequences by Nam Kim throughout this entire series. In my opinion, he was by far best at illustrating the female character, Mayuko, absolutely perfect. The male characters are done well, too, but his rendition of Mayuko is absolutely jaw dropping.
Not to be outdone, Owen Wiseman did a superb job with the pacing of this book. Not once did anything feel rushed or to be lagging, and that’s saying something in this day and age. Typically books have short spurts within single issues that drag a bit now and then, but not this one. This one held it together for six issues without giving me a dull moment. The covers by Jo Chen are exactly what you’d expect, too. Brilliantly done each time with a scene that teases and shows a ton of emotion at the same time. Do yourself a favor and pick this series up, because I guarantee you’ll love it! Rating 4.5/5
Billy Dunleavy

Thanks so much for the great review, Billy! Fans can check our website for prose stories and more Samurai’s Blood stuff for free:
Also, we’re definitely hoping to do more Samurai’s Blood, so keep an eye out, and also for my next series, “The Fires of Avalon, out next year.
Finally, anyone who has missed this series and wants to order the trade, it’s in December Previews. Reference # DEC110519
Thanks again!
Can’t wait to check out the new series Owen!
What will The Fire of Avalon be about?
This editor thanks you for not spoiling the story, as she is way behind on her comic reading. I’ve got them all, but I keep forgetting to read them.
Preordered the trade and can’t wait to get it!!
Kristin, you and speech will love it!