Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Movie Trailer!

If you don’t know about Scott Pilgrim by now, you are seriously missing out. The original graphic novel series published by Oni Press and written/drawn by Bryan Lee O’Malley stars the title character who meets the girl of his dreams (literally), Ramona Flowers, but in order to date her he has to defeat her 7 evil ex-boyfriends in one on one combat! It’s written in a fun yet humanly touching way, jam packed with action and video game references galore. The series is 6 volumes total (around 250 pages each with an $11.99 price tag) with volume 6, entitled Scott Pilgrim’s Finest Hour set to debut July 20, 2010 (the week of San Diego Comic Con)!

Fans can exhale a sigh of relief knowing that the final chapter of the Scott Pilgrim saga will be readable before the movie debuts on August 13, 2010. The film, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, stars Michael Cera (of Arrested Development and Superbad fame) in the title role, as well as Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Ramona, and even the newly appointed Captain America, Chris Evans, as one of the seven evil ex-boyfriends Scott faces off against! Check out this teaser poster for the movie:

And now the moment you’ve all been waiting for- the first Scott Pilgrim vs. the World movie trailer!!

So awesome!

Be sure to give the series a read before seeing the movie though- it’s just THAT good!!

Andy Liegl

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. andrewhurst

    I can’t wait for this movie! The trailer looks great!

  2. Princess Powerful

    I can’t wait for it too 🙂

  3. Decapitated Dan

    Really? That looked boring! yawn…..

  4. Aron White

    I’ve never heard of Scott Pilgram until just today. The movie looks pretty sweet, though!

  5. infinite speech

    I’ve never heard of it either but it looks worth checking out

  6. Billy

    Never heard of it but it sounds like a good read.

  7. mike

    That looked pretty good, I think I would check it out

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