Character Spotlight: The Fantastic Four

Marvel's First Family, not only were they what are often considered Marvel's Heroic Age. Even though other heroes have existed before them, they've left their mark on the world. So…

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Ink Stains 126: No Sex 12

front and back cover No Sex 12: Spring 1980Publisher and editor: David Heath Jr. Those that read this column regularly (all three of you!) know of my deep affection for…

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Character Spotlight: Eric O’Grady

Agent. Cretin. Pervert. Thief. Hero. Irredeemable. All these words could be used to describe Eric O'Grady, the third Ant-Man. How does someone who tends to be seen so negatively become…

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Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 11/27/19

Action Comics #1017 (DC) Martin: 3.5/5 stars. This issue is a bit all over the place, but it does bring in elements from Justice League, the regular Superman title, &…

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Ink Stains 125: Fanzine 75, 76, 77

Fanzine 75, 76, 77Editor: James Pack, publisher: Lance Studio It appears I have been laboring under a terrible misconception all these years in regard to James Pack's group of fanzines…

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