Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 04/24/13

A+X #7 (Marvel) NickZ: Yost writes a pretty hilarious Iceman and Thor story where (get this) Iceman DOESN'T SUCK! I know! I was shocked too! Avengers Arena #8 (Marvel) Jeff:…

Continue Reading Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 04/24/13

The Uncanny X-Piles 137

Welcome to the 137th edition of the Uncanny X-Piles, where we give you our thoughts on the week's worth of X-Men books! The X-Piles Numbers next to each title are…

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Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 11/28/12

"A + X" #2 (Marvel) Andy: The Iron Man & Shadowcat team up wins. Fun and worthwhile for fans of all four characters featured. (3/5) #MarvelNOW #Shadowcat #IronMan Jeff: Finally, it's proven…

Continue Reading Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 11/28/12

Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 06/13/12

Amazing Spider-Man #687 (Marvel) Infinite Speech: Silver Sable and Rhino will be missed...until they return later on. The guy who should have died though, didn't. Jeff: This story fell a…

Continue Reading Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 06/13/12