The Queen of Harlem Takes The Spotlight in New Trailer For ‘Luke Cage’!

The latest trailer for season 2 of Luke Cage is here and puts the spotlight squarely on Harlem’s Queen, Mariah Dillard played by the incredible Alfre Woodard. She’s amassed more power since we last saw her and is poised to take over Harlem. Unfortunately Cage seems to be caught in the middle of a crime war as he carries the weight of being Harlem’s protector. Another character that is introduced is Tilda Johnson aka Nightshade to those longtime comic fans or those that know her through David Walker’s Nighthawk series. As the Fugees’ ‘Ready or Not’ begins to play we find out Tilda is Mariah’s daughter but we’ll have to wait and see what other changes to the character have been made.

It’s evident that Bushmaster is going to be a problem for everybody and with Luke having to choose sides this just adds to mountain of pressure that’s been heaped on him. And if you’ve been paying attention Bushmaster is the third member of the Serpent Society to show up in Luke Cage. So maybe showrunner, Cheo Coker is on to something! But we’ll have to wait for June 22nd to see how this season plays out!

Official Synopsis:
“After clearing his name, Luke Cage (Mike Colter) has become a celebrity on the streets of Harlem with a reputation as bulletproof as his skin. But being so well known has only increased the pressure he feels to protect the community. With the rise of a formidable new foe, Luke is forced to confront the fine line that separates a hero from a villain.”


Infinite Speech


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