Lion Forge Reviews: Incidentals #1

Lion Forge Reviews: Incidentals #1

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Incidentals #1
Publisher: Lion Forge
Writer: Joe Casey
Artist: Larry Stroman
Colorist: Snakebite Cortez
Cover: Larry Stroman, Rob Stull, Snakebite Cortez

Incidentals is the latest new title in the Catalyst Prime line of comics from Lion Forge and looks to set up the first team book in this new universe. And thanks to the creative team it’s an introduction that delivers on all fronts.

Casey introduces several of the new characters pretty quickly during an explosive chase sequence thanks to Nuke. It hits all the right beats and we get to see some power displays before we meet some shady players on the hunt for someone else. From here there’s a lot to take in as we meet Alex who is using his powers to balance the scales from his abusive past. It’s a dark scene and in this world of super powered people it’s the most grounded sequence in the story. The rest of the issue contains quality world building with Casey amping things up towards the last few pages as he hints at the bigger picture in the Catalyst Prime universe. Because right now we don’t know if this will be a team of heroes, villains, or something else.

Stroman’s visuals are on point and it was refreshing to see his signature style on a series once again. Along with Cortez on colors they make Incidentals one of the better looking comics on the shelf right now. There’s quite a few jaw dropping panels throughout but the start of the dream sequence really stands out due to the art duo’s talents. Though my only issue would have to be with some of the transitions between sequences which either were jarring or just took a second or two to realize things had changed. Other than when this happened everything else flows together well.

Incidentals #1 is another strong addition to the Catalyst Prime universe and it’s going to be exciting to see where they fit into this new world. So head out and add this one to the list of Catalyst Prime titles in your collection.

Infinite Speech

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