Chirpin’ (Wednesday) Reviews 6/30/2010

Welcome to Chirpin’ Tues-er…Wednesday Reviews! Here you can find out what we at thought of this past week’s new books in 140 characters or less! Make sure to come back each week to see what we have to say about the latest comics!

Action Comics #890 (DC)
Nightwing and Flamebird are out and Lex Luthor is in. This series just got interesting again.

Angelus #4 (Top Cow)
Infinite Speech:
Angelus vs Darkness fight finishes up, and Marz even throws in a lesbian kiss… so a lot of fanboys became men after reading this.

Astonishing X-Men #34 (Marvel)
Loved the art in this issue. Maybe Ellis’ best written one yet of his run.
Great character moments here, especially between Hank & Scott. Fuels the fire for Hank’s later departure from the X-Men.

Batman Beyond #1 (DC)
I’m not the Batman Beyond fanatic the rest of the world seems to be, so I thought this issue was ok. All I have to say is Damian had better show up at some point or else…
Nice story, pretty bad art. Ignoring the fact that Terry’s age appears to fluctuate between 18 and 38, it was a solid start.

Captain America #607 (Marvel)
Zemo continues to f**k with Buck and it’s great!
Excellent stuff! My pick of the week.
Infinite Speech: New Cap beats himself up over his mistakes then the bad guys do it some more, the plot thickens and it’s a good one!

Captain Swing and the Electrical Pirates of Cindery Island #2 (Avatar)
Andy: I love it. Great art and a cool steampunk story make for a well done second issue! Hopefully #3 comes out on time…

Chronicles of Wormwood: The Last Battle #4 (Avatar)
Decapitated Dan:
This is a solid series. I love every issue and hope that maybe we can get more than mini’s one day.

Death of Dracula #1 (Marvel)
Julius Caesar with fangs. Suddenly I have hope for X-Men #1.
Surprisingly good read. Didn’t know Dracula had two sons, but I am now hooked to see how their power struggle ends.
Decapitated Dan: Wow! Very surprised on this one, but I liked it. Too bad it spins out into other titles, because it would make a great mini.

Doomwar #5 (Marvel)
Andy: Hasn’t been as great since the X-Men left a few issues ago…
Infinite Speech: Check the review, this issue was all that and a bag of Doombots!

The Flash #3 (DC)
The only thing Barry Allen can do faster than run is put me to sleep.
Anyone else feel like the Renegades need to get a life? If you capture a criminal before he commits a crime, he’s not a criminal.
Aron: This book is still a barrel of damn squeeze cheese on monkey tails! Delicious fun!

Gotham City Sirens #13 (DC)
Decent read, but this series could use a better creative team. Selina Kyle’s good heart is great and all, but this story was weak.

Green Lantern #55 (DC)
Andy: Forget about the Lanterns, I want to read more about Dex-Starr the angry pussy!
Arnab: Atrocitus is smarter than I gave him credit for, Dex-Starr is one badass kitty, and the Butcher looks like he’s in for some pain.
Aron: KITTY!

GI Joe Hearts and Minds #2 (IDW)
Andy: Not as interesting as the first issue, but I’m still on board. I really liked the Tripwire story…poor guy.

Heralds #5 (Marvel)
Eli: I feel a little emptier after reading this, and the series in general.

Invincible #73 (Image)
Decapitated Dan:
A much slower issue, nice break in the action with how intense the past 2 issues have been, but kinda boring.

The Invincible Iron Man Annual #1 (Marvel)
I don’t think a thicker Annual has been published in the history of mankind. Ever.

The Light #3 (Image)
Andy: It’s trying, but this ain’t The Walking Dead.

Mindfield #1 (Aspen)
Green Arrow writer J.T. Krul writes a cool new take on thought police and LSD. Trippy.

Robert Bloch’s Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper (IDW)
Andy: “You’re starting to sound like one of my nuts.” Yes this is an actual quote. Yes it was meant to be taken seriously. And yes it was spoken to a woman.

Secret Avengers #2 (Marvel)
Hands down the best Avengers title on the rack. READ IT!
Moon Knight looks a little funny without his cloak. I’m still on the fence about this series. Do I need #3?
Infinite Speech: Brubaker’s story has “Nick Fury” as the bad guy and I found out Valkryie can breathe on Mars w/o a helmet. Who knew?
Jeff: Moon Knight in a space suit. ‘Nuff said.

Skydoll Spaceship Collection #2 (Marvel/Soleil)
Decapitated Dan:
Anyone interested in this but turned off by the price contact me, because this is a fantastic import that more should be checking out.

Star Wars: Dark Times #17 (Dark Horse)
Andy: The art in this story arc has been f**king AMAZING! The ending didn’t really wrap up the story, so I can’t wait for the next issue in…2011!? WTF??

Star Wars Invasion: Rescues #2 (Dark Horse)
Andy: Less talk more Vong please!

Star Wars Legacy #49 (Dark Horse)
How in the f are they going to wrap everything up in one more issue?
Infinite Speech: All I can think about is that this is the second to last issue of a great series.

Teen Titans #84 (DC)
Andy: Since Ravager left this book has sucked…speaking of, what the heck is going on with the backup story? Who cares about those characters!?

Thor #611 (Marvel)
Andy: Wow, the art by Rich Elson is great! Can we get him on an X-title please? …you know, maybe he can replace Greg Land?

Turf #2 (Image)
Infinite Speech: Aliens use bug like creatures to heal a gangster and a dirty cop sells out his buddies to a Vampire family. Damn good issue.

Usagi Yojimbo #129 (Dark Horse)
Stan Sakai is a freakin’ master storyteller. Another great issue!

Velocity #1 (Top Cow)
Velocity is hot and the story pulled me in. I dig it.
Decapitated Dan: My favorite Cyberforce babe is back. Amazing artwork and a fun story. Like her first mini series!
Infinite Speech: Marz and Rocafort start this long awaited series off pretty damn awesome but WHERE IS ELLIS?

Wonder Woman #600 (DC)
Aron: New Costume: Sweet! New JMS Direction: Awesome! Wonder Woman: Lame since 1941. Not even Simone could polish a 66 yr-old turd. Can JMS polish a 69 yr-old turd? I hope so.

X-Campus #1 (Marvel)
Andy: I really wanted to joke and call this one X-Campiss, but this issue wasn’t as terrible as I’d thought it’d be. Still, why put this out when X-Men First Class was better?
Decapitated Dan: I thought this was supposed to be a NEW idea. Yet after 10 pages I had already read it. Dumb and a waste of time.

Zombies vs. Cheerleaders #1 (Moonstone)
Decapitated Dan: PASS! PASS! PASS! Jokes are lame and it goes no where, very disappointing.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Aron

    Nobody else read Wonder Woman #600? What up?

    Flash is cool. It has a Minority Report vibe to it. Much like the Wolverine Weapon X storyline with Deathlok does.

  2. Andy

    We sold out before I could read WW #600!!

  3. Billy

    Dracula was awesome, but I also was unaware of Dracula’s “other” son. I remember Janus being born and also Lillith but never another son in the family. Hopefully we’ll see his origin in the upcoming X-arc!

  4. Aron

    So if i’m going to be reading X-Men #1, I need to read Death of Dracula?

  5. Andy

    @Aron- no, but it will help with understanding what the deal is with the Vampires. The one-shot totally sets up their whole mythos in the Marvel U, and it’s pretty cool!

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