Marvel Previews: Kick-Ass #8

Guess what Comic Attackers? A new issue of Marvel’s disturbingly enjoyable hit, Kick-Ass, comes out next Wednesday! All I can say is FINALLY. Issue #7 came out last September, so a new chapter in the highly entertaining series from writer Mark Millar and artist John Romita Jr. was long overdue. Get yourself nice and bloody with a preview of the new issue:

Despite its irregular release schedule I’ve been digging this series since issue #1. It’s fun, it’s violent, and it kicks ass. ‘Nuff said. In case you missed it, check out the trailer for the new kick ass looking Kick-Ass movie coming out later this year!

Andy Liegl

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. InfiniteSpeech

    “When Titans Pimp Slap” lol wow! about time this issue came out

  2. Billy

    @Speech- For sure. lol. The bit with the flame-thrower looks cool to!

  3. infinite speech

    I wonder what the delay is with this title. I debated on dropping it and just grabbing the trade but i’m actually liking the story so much that i dont want to wait even longer.

  4. Andy

    I think they delay is the movie. Their energy is going into that right now, I’d assume.

  5. JRjr

    Kind of….
    The delay WAS because of the movie, but not in the way you think. I worked on the film for the better part of a year(…illustrations and animation, which will be understood better when you see it…). That work combined with my regular schedule(…Spider-Man and Kick Ass…) was just too much. I was forced to make up time on the damaged Spider-Man schedule, first and foremost. The movie work kept appearing and the Kick Ass book took the hit. The truth is, I couldn’t keep up! The buck stops here, so to speak.


  6. InfiniteSpeech

    sounds like you need a bit of a vacation JR lol Well thanks for clearing that up man take it easy!

  7. Andy

    JR Jr. just commented on my Kick-Ass preview. Excuse me while I go change my underpants.

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