IDW Publishing Reviews: Jericho Season 3: Civil War #5

Jericho Season 3: Civil War #5
Publisher: IDW
Writer: Dan Shotz
Artist: Matt Merhoff
Cover: Scott West

“Civil War pt 5“:  Dan Shotz keeps the momentum going from last issue and delivers yet another reason why the Jericho series is just phenomenal. With Hawkins and Jake on the run with Smith in tow, they realize that he’s got a few more secrets as he leads them to a secret fallout shelter. This particular shelter is home to a flash drive which has information that shifts the odds in favor of the good guys. Unfortunately, an alarm was tripped when the trio entered and Valentine has ordered a predator drone to blow the shelter off the map. While back in Jericho, it seems as if Dale’s actions are going to catch up to him when the search begins for Petrella’s killer.

If you are a fan of the Jericho television series, then just know that Dan Shotz has taken it to the next level in these last two issues. The pacing is great and he keeps you on the edge of your seat and wanting more when you get to the last page. This is very much a character driven story, and that’s where the book shines a lot. Shotz being part of the original writing team for the series helps keep things consistent and enjoyable. The sequence with Hawkins and Jake attempting to short out Smith’s tracking device was excellent. I will say that while the show was on the air I had some sympathy for Dale’s character, whereas now I just see him as more of a selfish jerk.

Merhoff’s artwork in this issue was a step up from the last and impressed me a bit. His Smith always looks as if the character knows more than what he’s letting on, and he keeps Valentine looking creepy. There were also parts where his art synced perfectly with the dialog, making several panels that much more intense and great to read.

If the series is actually going to end next issue, then hopefully it doesn’t feel rushed and incomplete. This is the only thing that worries me, because as a fan of the series I don’t want to be left hanging yet again. There just seems to be not only so much more story to tell, but enough story that is actually worth telling that would take longer than six issues to complete. We’ll have to wait and see how Shotz lays it all out for us. Jake and Hawkins head back to Jericho and it seems like Valentine is on his way there as well. Whether you’re an avid comic reader or not, any fan of the Jericho television series should be reading Season 3: Civil War!

Infinite Speech

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Will

    Fantastic review!

  2. Gwen

    Great review. I love the first line.

  3. Kitty

    Great review! I agree, Jericho is great… From the tv screen to the comic book page it never fails to keep me on the edge of my seat wanting more! Crossing my fingers and toes that the Jericho ride does continue!

  4. InfiniteSpeech

    I’m really hoping that IDW continues Jericho as well Kitty. Six issues just isn’t enough to close out this story.

  5. beebull

    Loved the review, Jericho is supposed to go past the 6 issues but haven’t heard anything definite yet, This was the greatest show ever the comic is keeping pace.

  6. wisespyguy

    Awesome!!! I can’t wait for issue 6#.

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