Image Reviews: Nailbiter #27

Image Reviews: Nailbiter #27

nailbiter_27-1Nailbiter #27
Publisher: Image
Writer(s): Joshua Williamson & Tee “Vixen” Franklin
Artist(s): Mike Henderson & Juan Ferreyra
Colorist(s): Adam Guzowski
Cover: Mike Henderson & Adam Guzowski

This issue of Nailbiter comes with a little extra kick in the form of a back up story by Black Comics Month founder, Tee “Vixen” Franklin! Her twisted and bloody horror short is drawn by Juan Ferrerya who is no stranger to delivering some creepy visuals. Now this may be her first published story but damn is it good and I’m already expecting to see more from her in the future.

The Outfit is a stand alone tale of betrayal, murder, and revenge with one hell of an ending. Franklin nails the beats and keeps the suspense flowing great so when it comes time the big moments hit even harder. Sure this is a tale we’ve heard before but it’s Tee’s “voice” that helps give it a fresh and worthwhile spin. It’s visceral in tone but you definitely catch all of the shade thrown at Becky and her.

Juan Ferrerya is probably the best guy to help flesh out (pun very much intended) Tee’s story because his style is so damn good at elevating horror stories. He’s also good at producing some nightmare inducing visuals due to his attention to detail and delivering the nuances necessary to make the fear almost real. One of my favorite panels has Mrs. Tremont holding Becky by her “good hair” and she’s just covered in blood. Her calm expression tells so much about the character in that moment which just lets you know that it’s about to go down!

Now the main story in this issue continues Williamson & Henderson’s tale that ends with a gut punch of a cliffhanger. So if you’re a regular to the series there’s no doubt you’ll be taken off-guard and anxious to see what happens next issue! The graveyard sequence is a tense moment made even better by the work of Henderson and the colors from Guzowski. Much like the brutal torture sequence. My suggestion is that everyone get the Hell out of Buckaroo. Now!

So with two great stories here Nailbiter #27 is a must buy in this week’s stack of comics. But what’s more important here is that we’re seeing another new voice in comics bringing us stories and she is just as committed and passionate about making sure we get quality work!


Infinite Speech

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