Valiant Reviews: Ivar, Timewalker #2

Valiant Reviews: Ivar, Timewalker #2

IVAR_002_COVER-A_ALLENIvar, Timewalker #2
Publisher: Valiant
Writer: Fred Van Lente
Artist(s): Clayton Henry & Robert Gill
Cover: Raul Allen

One thing that’s important about any time travel story is that you have a set of rules regarding what is and isn’t possible. Now, Van Lente threw a few of the old standbys out last issue and here he establishes some new ones.  They are a great twist on the mythos and make perfect sense as you’re reading the issue. While he’s putting these new rules into place the story that’s being crafted around it never stops entertaining nor does it slow down. He also poses the question of whether or not to go back in time and kill Hitler and if it’s the right thing to do. This is where the story just goes directly into the fun zone and turns the whole time travel thing on it’s head!

Once again you’re treated to some dynamic visuals from Clayton Henry and also Robert Gill who handles the WWI sequence in the issue. Their styles are slightly different but not so much in this issue to where it distracts you from the story. Henry has chosen a very cool way to illustrate the time travel sequences that is just great in it’s simplicity. The panel layouts are what really brings everything out in those pages and it’s definitely in line with the tone of the story. We also get some unique character designs when it comes to some of the weirdest looking villains to make an appearance in a comic.

Van Lente and Henry continue to deliver an entertaining series that sets itself apart from the other great titles from Valiant. The same energy and excitement they set up in Archer & Armstrong is prevalent here and dare I say even better. So, when it’s all said and done, Ivar, Timewalker kicks in the door and proudly walks in and dares you not to enjoy it. If you’re looking for something new to get into then this is another Valiant title that deserves your attention.

Infinite Speech


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