Gotta Have It! Figure Edition: Toy Story 3 Buddy Pack: Hero Woody & Buttercup

Straight off the Silver Screen and your TV screen from Disney/PIXAR, and right out of the pages of the BOOM Kids! ongoing Toy Story series, come these brand new action figures released ahead of one of the most anticipated animated sequels of all-time…Toy Story 3!

Greetings, Comic Attackers!  In today’s Gotta Have It! Figure Edition, we’ll be taking a look at some action figures that hit the shelves just a few days ago! Toy Story 3 Buddy Pack: Hero Woody and Buttercup!

Product Line: Toy Story 3: Buddy Pack
Company: Mattel
Released: May 2010
Packaging: Blister Card Packaging
Where to Buy: Pretty much any retail store with a toy department.
Price: US $6.99 (Target)
Points of Articulation: Hero Woody-1, Buttercup-1
Height: Approximately 2 inches each.

Paint Job: Hero Woody is painted in many vivid colors!  In fine detail, too, right down to the white buttons on his shirt sleeves.  It’s impressive how they mixed so many different colors on this guy.  Unfortunately, it comes with a few minor smudges due to the tiny details.  The blue of a belt loop bleeds onto his yellow shirt.  On his back, there are a couple of specs from his brown belt and blue belt loop that don’t belong on his yellow shirt.  With all the detail on him, his spurs could have been painted silver but they are brown just as his boots are.

Buttercup is made of glossy, white plastic with the facial features painted on.  There is no bleeding with the facial features and that is excellent!  Her (I assume it’s a she.  Buttercup is a new character for Toy Story 3) horn and hooves are painted a mustard yellow and her mane and tail are painted in a banana taffy yellow.  Buttercup has two pink hearts for nostrils.  It’s a nice looking piece.  Pretty stinkin’ cool!

Sculpt: The details on these figures are not painted on, but part of the sculpt.  Woody’s gold star, the knotted end of his scarf, and empty gun holster are all done nicely.  Even his pull string is on here!  For Buttercup, the eyes, eyebrows, and heart-shaped nostrils are raised and not just painted on.  Woody has a peg hole in his right boot sole and Buttercup has one in her front right hoof.

Durability: Buttercup is pretty solid.  She’s like a brick.  Nothing moves besides the ears and you really gotta mash on them to do that.  But why in the world would you want to?  Woody, on the other hand, has skinny legs that are quite bendable.  His arms also are, to a lesser degree.

Poseability: Hmmm… Negative, Ghost Rider.  Their heads turn.  That’s about it.  There is no posing them aside from looking this way and looking that way.  Hero Woody is already kind of in a “good ol’ boy” pose, though.

What’s Awesome: Toy Story is pretty awesome, so I’ve heard.  I’ve been a dad for nearly twelve and a half years and I’ve never seen either of the two films in their entirety.  On Free Comic Book Day, I picked up the Toy Story issue from BOOM Kids!.  It was pretty awesome.  About these figures though, the vivid colors and details are pretty awesome too.

What Sucks: The only thing that sucks about these figures is that there is next to no poseability at all.  That’s kind of a bummer.  But for what they are, they don’t suck.  The minimum age on these things is 3.  Let the little ones have fun!  Have fun playing along with them or just watching them play.

Overall: 3 out of 5.  I give Hero Woody and Buttercup three thumbs up because they are just so darn cute.  You can’t dock them for that.  Toy Story 3 Buddy Pack: Hero Woody and Buttercup…gotta have it?  If you have or know little ones or are a fan of the films and various spin-offs, sure you do.  Don’t be embarrassed to own them.  These things are neat-o!  When the new film hits in June, come back here to and we’ll have some more fun!  I’ve got something awesome lined up!  In the meantime…go play!

You're jealous. You wish you could ride a unicorn. Don't lie.

Aron White

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Andy

    Toy Story is cute, but the character name of Woody always made me feel a bit awkward.

  2. Kris

    Is TS3 out yet? I didn’t think it was…. Guess it’s never too early for marketing, but it explains why I couldn’t recall a unicorn.

  3. Aron

    Kristin- No, it’s out in June. I should probably get hip and watch 1 and 2.

    Andy- Don’t go playin’ with your Woody. That…wood…be awkward.

  4. Aron

    Speech- See? I told ya!

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