Dynamite Reviews: Dark Shadows #8

Dark Shadows #8
Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment
Writer: Mike Raicht
Artist: Nacho Tenorio (cover by Francesco Francavilla)
Colors: Carlos Lopez
Young David Collins is very innocent, and very scared. He’s been abducted by a few scared townspeople that believe Barnabas is the sinister force that’s been feeding on the local youth. Barnabas has other ideas about what’s going on. He met with a local policeman, and caught the scent of a vampire on him. This policeman in question is among the group that has kidnapped David. Back at the Collinwood mansion, Elizabeth, Carolyn, and Roger are having an argument about who’s at fault for all these killings. Quentin is then tasked with helping David look for his friend. Not long after he discovers David’s bike, he uses his superhuman powers to sniff out the scents of the perpetrators. He then finds Barnabas and accuses him of having a hand in it. The two then settle their differences, and forge a plan to get David back and find out who the actual villain is!
Another solid issue from Mike Raicht. He’s shown us who the villain is in this issue, but no spoilers ahead in this review. You’ll be surprised by who it is, and seeing Quentin changing into a werewolf was cool, too. The “fight” between both Barnabas and Quentin was great to see, as well. Who doesn’t love a werewolf vs. vampire throw down? So kudos to Mike for that. There’s also a traitor revealed in this issue that came out of nowhere, and that kind of stuff is a testament to a great story.
On the side of artwork, we had a nicely drawn book that had some great moments. Two scenes in particular stood out. First, the page where Quentin changed into the wolf was cool. Nothing spectacular, but just cool. Second, a page showing the cliffs where the final fight will take place that was just awesome. We all get a real treat with the fantastic cover by Francesco Francavilla! This guy has such a unique style that you can pick out one of his covers from a mile away. He’s got a lot going on right now, but definitely check out all of his Dynamite stuff, it’s top notch.

Really cool story and artwork that is solid. Throw in a great cover, and you have a winner! Hopefully we’ll get more vampire and werewolf action in the following issues! Rating 4/5
Billy Dunleavy

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