Darryl Makes Comics Advanced Review: DMC #2

DMC2_Cover_RamosDMC #2
Publisher: Darryl Makes Comics
Writer(s): Amy Chu, David F. Walker, Greg Pak, Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez
Artist(s): Juan Doe, Afu Chan, Marcus Williams, & Sung Goo Won
Cover: Humberto Ramos

The second graphic novel in the DMC series is just as great as the first one, if not better! Under the skillful hands of Amy Chu and David Walker the DMC universe is getting a little bigger and better with the addition of new enemies and even a sidekick for DMC named LAK6! This collection of stories shines the light on the corporate superheroes of Helios, Spelle, and Iron Eagle. There’s something just not right about them and DMC gets caught up when a new drug is on the streets and his investigation leads to a common thread that links them. Now, Chu and Walker break up the main story into little chapters where we get some more character development on school teacher, Daryl McDaniels and his alter ego DMC. The breakout character though is DMC’s new sidekick, LAK6! She’s a throwback to the day of overeager teenage sidekicks who look to their mentor with wide eyes and high expectations. At no point is her character dated or a diversion but you’ll realize she’s very much needed and a welcome addition to the roster. She also gets one of the stronger stories in here as well when she stumbles upon DMC’s new base of operations and we see how their journey begins.

DMC himself is given some more background and his dual life as teacher and vigilante is handled quite well by the writing team. With his character development going so well it should silence any of the doubters who thought this was just a flash in the pan. There is also some decent villain development though it would have been more satisfying to see more of the big bad.

As you may have noticed, this book is pack with artistic powerhouses! From the covers to the last page there is something for everyone. Each chapter has a unique look though at no point does the change in styles interfere with the narrative. Actually my only issue with art was during a scene involving fight choreography. The movement being shown did not line up with what the character was saying and it’s a bit jarring. Afu Chan’s handling of the meeting between DMC and LAK6 is one of my favorite looking chapters. Let’s also give serious props DMC’s character design which is one of the best superheroe costumes around. It’s a perfect fusion of Hip-Hop freshness and comic book greatness!

DMC continues to be a comic that should be on your radar and is exceeded expectations. If you were some of the lucky NYCC fans who picked this up then you already know. The rest will have to wait until December 2nd for your chance to see the further adventures of NYC’s latest champion!

Infinite Speech



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