Dark Horse Reviews: Devil #2

Devil #2
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Writer: Torajiro Kishi and MADHOUSE Studios
Artist: Torajiro Kishi and MADHOUSE Studios
I set down issue #2 of Devil approximately less then 2 minutes ago: Holy shit. Now that’s a ride. Not only has the team behind Devil managed to live up to the standard they set in issue #1, they managed to somehow surpass it.
The writing is solid and much better than last issue (not that it was bad last issue, it was excellent. It’s just somehow they’ve created an even better issue than the solid script they provided us with before). The story takes leaps and bounds in important progression, a lot of details but never too talkie or anything of that nature, developing the story into not just a sci-fi/horror tale, but one with smarts, intrigue and some “is that really on the page in front of me?” moments. They unload on us a dark tale to keep us up at night that is both interesting and eerie, making one flip through page after page without a break.
The art is top of the line, anyone a little put off by an east-meets-west vibe shouldn’t worry one bit; they take care of us with an eye-pleasing romp of violence and bizarre images. While it does have an Elfin Lied feeling developing throughout the story, Devil stands on its own and can rise above any comparisons being made.
Some people have recently started to worry about the quality of Japanese anime and manga being churned out now-a-days. The happy news is Devil is here to provide us with some fresh air to give a little faith in the medium again, all while giving us a nice nostalgic vibe for the Japanese horror classics of Wicked City and Vampire Hunter-D.
Is it a milestone? One will have to wait until the mini-series is complete to find out, however we can safely assume that Devil is on the track to at least being on the best titles list of 2010.
Drew McCabe

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Andy

    Now that’s what I call a positive review!!

  2. Drew

    It’s my favorite thing published so far this year.

  3. billy

    You definitely make it sound worth checking out!

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