Dark Horse Previews: Star Wars Dark Times #16

Yes, you’re reading the headline correctly: an issue of Star Wars Dark Times is actually scheduled to come out this Wednesday! Its been too many months to count since the previous issue of Dark Times was released, and it was only 3 issues before that when the series went on a near-year long hiatus, but this week we can expect to hold chapter four of the “Blue Harvest” story arc in our hands. In this issue Jedi Dass Jennir’s plot to bring down two rival gangs comes to a head as both sides plan to go to war, endangering the lives of the civilians Jennir set out to save in the first place! Check out a preview below:

From what I can remember, I’ve been enjoying this “Blue Harvest” story…its just been too damn long in-between issues that my interest may be lacking a little. Mick Harrison’s tale is enjoyable but fails to stray from the norm when compared to other Star Wars titles. I do really like the time period where this story takes place, in-between Episode’s III and IV, as I find this time of the Star Wars mythos intriguing. The whole idea of the Jedi being on the run from a blood thirtsy Darth Vader is pretty cool, and it’s interesting discovering all the exotic locales the Jedi have sought refuge in throughout the galaxy. The art by Douglas Wheatley looks great, with clean lines and fine detail; he does a stellar job capturing the look of each character (especially their faces)…which is to be expected given how long he’s had to prepare! I also dig the colors of Dave McCaig as they provide a vibrant energy to the issue.

Even though Dark Times has been later than late, Dark Horse has attempted to make up for the tardiness by giving us 40 pages in this issue for a mere $2.99! Now that’s class!

Andy Liegl

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. InfiniteSpeech

    That’s a good price right there for the amount of book that you’re getting. I was actually just going to pick up Blue Harves in trade and had actually thought the story wrapped up already…”later than late” is right! lol

    Am I the only one who thinks that Dass Jennir looks like George Lucas just a little bit?

    1. Daniel W

      Infinite i think he looks a lot like him too it’s uncanny.

  2. Billy

    Nice preview Andy! I agree with Speech about the likeness to Lucas. lol

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