Crisis of Infinite Reviews: Flashpoint Edition pt. 11

Flashpoint: Hal Jordan #3
Writer: Adam Schlagman
Artist: Cliff Richards

The more I kept reading this issue, the more I wanted to put down the comic and go watch Top Gun. In fact, I would love to see a series starring Hal and Carol as regular human pilots, pulling off missions, getting in dog fights, and jockeying for rank. It could work in an Elseworlds-esque setting, and this mini proves that. However, having it tie-in to Flashpoint makes this one more of a superhero comic than a fighter pilot war comic, but it still works. Like many of the final Flashpoint tie-in issues, things feel rushed, despite ending with a literal bang. One thing is for sure – Flashpoint Hal Jordan won’t be showing up again any time soon. The art by Cliff Richards is decent, but really washed out with some weird anatomy going on at times. He nicely captured the likeness of Carol Ferris, especially her expressions, and with the exception of the first page, she looks pretty throughout. The faux-Ryan Reynolds visage on Hal was a bit much…especially considering the fallout of the Green Lantern movie. The full page spread with a giant jungle Amazonian woman combating the fighter squadron was really ridiculous, and hurt the dramatics of the issue because it was so asinine. I mean seriously, just launch a rocket in her face and she’s dead. Hal die-hards will like this series, but otherwise it’s not necessary. 3/5 – AL

Flashpoint: Kid Flash Lost #3
Writer: Sterling Gates
Artists: Oliver Nome, Scott Kolins, and Trevor Scott
Cover Artists: Francis Manapul and Brian Buccalleto
Publisher: DC

Having awoken in a horrific version of what the future should be, Bart set out to fix everything. His troubles sent him across time and space appearing before everyone the Speed Force had touched, and absorbing what Speed Force essence existed within them. Initially unsure of what was occurring, Bart eventually figured out what he needed to do in order to accomplish his mission.
I thought that this issue was great. This entire mini-series has been really strong, but this issue in particular was strong. The art did a decent job of pairing up with the story, but in this case the story was definitely the stronger aspect. I really liked the way Bart’s journey across time and space played out. Initially things were a little confusing, but only because I didn’t know what was happening. To clarify, I wasn’t supposed to know what was happening. Once Bart explained it all, everything that happened made sense. I know DC wants us to care about Barry, what with him being the sole focus of the last Flash series as well as being the focus of the upcoming Flash book, but I don’t care. Plain and simple, he’s my least favorite character superhero to have taken up the Flash mantle. What was great about this issue is that Bart shines, so much that he turns into a white Kid Flash at one point. In the past, Wally and Bart have been expressed as being faster or having the potential to be faster than Barry; things have changed since Johns made Barry the source of the Speed Force (which I still don’t get,) but at the very end Sterling Gates does something that I think is awesome: Bart hints at being able to surpass Barry, but sacrifices himself for the better good instead. 4/5 – AP

Flashpoint: Legion of Doom #3
Writer: Adam Glass
Artists: Rodney Buchemi and Jose Marzan Jr.
Cover Artist: Miguel Angel Sepulveda
Publisher: DC
At the conclusion of this mini-series I’m still wondering what the hell it was all for. This story seemed more like a fluff piece for Heatwave instead of a fun and entertaining series of events. Nothing about Heatwave or Cyborg’s “rivalry” was exciting, and it all seemed rushed and thrown together for the sake of this title. Remember that subway sequence that didn’t make sense in the first issue? Well there’s more of that kind of action in this issue, folks. Also, I wasn’t even interested in Heatwave after Eel showed up looking like an evil Plastic Man in the first issue. He stole the show whenever he showed up, and if it wasn’t for him I’m pretty sure I would have been even more bored than I was. The climatic fight scene between Cyborg and Heatwave was something else that fell pretty short of exciting. If Heatwave has Cyborg at point blank range with his guns, it’s hard to believe he’d put them away just because of Cyborg’s taunt to go “mano a mano.” It’s also a bit of a stretch that Heatwave could headbutt that huge metallic skull of Cyborg’s and be okay. Buchemi’s artwork did help carry the story, but if all you’re getting out of this is a nice looking book, then it might as well have been a silent issue. This isn’t a mini I’d suggest to anyone as a necessity for the Flashpoint series, but hey, to each his own, right? 1.5/5 – IS

Flashpoint: Lois Lane and the Resistance #3
Writers: Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
Artist: Christian Duce

I’m happy to report this issue was much, much better than #2, which was a total let down. We have a third artist working in this book in just as many issues, Christian Duce, and his stuff looks solid. He pays attention to detail and environment, which is always a good thing when panels have actual surroundings in them and not just splashes of color outlining a character. I really like the character of Britannia who’s introduced here (that’s her on the cover). For lack of a better analogy, she’s a female version of Marvel’s Captain Britain, only empowered by a suit as opposed to magic. However, like last issue where it felt like Lois Lane was a secondary character in her own book, that same vibe is present here. Grifter narrated #2, and here it’s Brittania. She’s way cooler than Grifter, though, because when she punches Amazons, they get ripped in half. Aw yeah! But this book shouldn’t have Lois Lane in its title since she’s very clearly not the star and more like a featured accessory. Like many of the Flashpoint tie-ins, this one really didn’t have much to do with the main story, aside from shining some light on the folks who are standing up to Amazon control of Europe. If you’re interested in that scene, and want more Wonder Woman action than what you’re getting in the main Flashpoint book or Wonder Woman and the Furies, check this one out. 3/5 – AL

Flashpoint: The Outsider #3
Writer: James Robinson
Artist: Javi Fernandez
Cover Artist: Kevin Nowland
Publisher: DC 

When we were first introduced to The Outsider in Flashpoint #1, it was pretty obvious that he’s someone not to be taken lightly. Now that the mini-series has come to an end, we not only get a great back story on him, but he’s emerged as a very interesting character, as well. Robinson delivers a great mini here, and it’s a welcome surprise as most of the tie-ins to Flashpoint I can’t stand. He shows us a very different version of Martian Manhunter here, and the lengths he’ll go through to exact revenge on The Outsider. We also find out that The Outsider has knowledge of the 52 universes, and uses that info to taunt J’onzz. Robinson drops a little gem when he hints that there’s someone that recruited J’onzz to kill The Outsider. Fernandez has kicked ass in every issue of this mini with his visuals, as it’s one of the better looking Flashpoint tie-ins I’ve seen. Is The Outsider just another villain in an expensive suite? Yes, he is, but he’s also intelligent and vicious enough to be a problem for anyone in any of the 52 universes. The Outsider is a series worth checking out if you want to read about one of the better original characters to come out of Flashpoint. 3.5/5 – IS

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Arnab Pradhan

Infinite Speech

Andy Liegl

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  1. InfiniteSpeech

    Anyone who read LOD should get 3 of the new DC books of their choice for free.

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