Crisis of Infinite Reviews 09/24/14

Crisis of Infinite Reviews 09/24/14

batman eternal 25Batman Eternal #25
Writers: Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Ray Fawkes, John Layman, and Tim Seeley
Artists: R.M. Guera and Giulia Brusco
Cover Artists: Jason Fabok and Brad Anderson
Publisher: DC

If you stopped to count how many individuals who currently know Batman’s secret identity, you’d start to wonder if it was even supposed to be a secret. Hush is back and he’s ready to take down Batman from all angles. Being remarkably intelligent, particularly vengeful, and knowing Batman is Bruce Wayne has made Hush a tremendously formidable foe in the past. Case in point, this current series has Batman seriously lacking in his detective skills, only realizing Hush was the major villain after it was too late. The biggest setback for this issue has to be the art. It was distractingly bad and overall was more troublesome than it was beneficial. 3/5


flash futures end 1The Flash: Future’s End #1
Writer: Robert Venditti and Van Jensen
Artists: Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund, and Andrew Dalhouse
Cover Artists: Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund, and Andrew Dalhouse
Publisher: DC Comics

The Flash: Future’s End #1 is a perfect example of how to do an event tie-in issue properly. Not only was the issue well written, wonderfully illustrated, and overall entertaining to read, it was relevant. Unlike with the majority of the other tie-in issues, come next month the events of this issue will still be worth remembering. After decades of having the Speed Force steal time from him, Barry Allen from the future made it his mission to change the past. Whether it’s by sheer luck or terrific planning, my vote is on planning, Robert Venditti and Van Jensen managed to take the burden of the Future’s End tie-in and integrate it within their current arc. They did such a great job, this issue reads more like a regular issue than it does a Future’s End title. Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund, and Andrew Dalhouse continue to do a fantastic job on this title. Their art pairing lends well to the fast paced, action packed issues on this series. 4.5/5

Be sure to check out previous editions of Crisis of Infinite Reviews by clicking here!

Arnab Pradhan

This Post Has One Comment

  1. InfiniteSpeech

    I had mixed feelings about the Flash issue as I was reading it since DC did the big Wally reveal months ago. If he was just introduced to the fans that would have been fine but the image that they used for the cover has been around for some time now which makes it lose it’s luster. It would have been pretty cool to see him for the first time in that costume in THIS issue.

    But I so agree with you about the story actually being relevant since most of the others are just stand alones that won’t matter for another four years maybe?

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