Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 07/15/15

Adventure Time Fionna & Cake Card Wars #1 (Boom!)
NickZ: This comic came with a trading card, the 90’s are back! Also, someone make Card Wars into a real thing!

astro city 25Astro City #25 (Vertigo)
Martin: 4.5/5 stars. Perfect jumping-on point for new readers, w/ a focus on Honor Guard’s female heroes. Merino’s art is fantastic.

Doctor Fate #2 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. I like this different direction for Dr. Fate, with the different art style & focus on Egyptian mythology.

Green Lantern: Lost Army #2 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars It’s a difficult task to engage new readers given GLC’s complicated history but so far it’s working

Hawkeye #22 (Marvel)
NickZ: The amazing end to the phenomenal run of Fraction and Aja’s epic series! Well worth the wait!

Inhumans Attilan Rising #3 (Marvel)
NickZ: Medusa and Black Bolt face off in battle with some surprising twists.

Invincible #121 (Image)
NickZ: You can’t deny that Robot has indeed made the world a better place but I still want someone to kill him.

Justice League #42 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Great issue and now Batman fans won’t shut up for months to come.
Martin: 4/5 stars. Fabok is amazing and Johns does some great characterization, especially with Wonder Woman & Darkseid.
NickZ: The Darkseid War continues to be incredible and what happens to Batman is freaking awesome!

Lumberjanes #16 (Boom!)
NickZ: It’s great to see the flashbacks of the Adults as lumberjanes and see how they became who they are!

Martian Manhunter #2 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. This new look at J’onn J’onnz maybe not being the hero we thought he was is fun, creepy, & different.

Moon Knight #17 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: I love not knowing what direction this title is going and it’s crazy stories like this that make it worth while!
NickZ: The thing about Khonshu is you that never know if he is good or evil or both.

Postal #5 (Top Cow)postal 5
Infinite Speech: You’re doing yourself a disservice if you’re not reading Postal!

Rachel Rising #35 (Abstract)
Infinite Speech: Lilith drops a truth bomb and Rachel finally accepts it in another stellar issue! Friends don’t let friends NOT read Rachel Rising!

Robin Son of Batman #2 (DC)
Infinite Speech: So it’s a redemption story. Still not too sure about it but Damian is my favorite Robin so I’ll stay for a bit.
Martin: 4/5 stars. Great art & character building, but still relying a bit too much on the history of the previous title.
NickZ: If they want to give Damian his own series, they could at least make it interesting.

Secret Wars Battleworld #3 (Marvel)
NickZ: A world where all versions of Wolverine try to kill each other, sounds about right. Also, World War Ant was pretty funny.

Skull Kickers #33 (Image)
Infinite Speech: Just when the book was overflowing with awesome and Faerie Fury a unicorn comes in and stabs the $#!t out of a demon! Thank you Zub & Huang!
NickZ: Edwin Huang killed it on this issue with wall to wall action, multiple full page spreads, and the wrap around cover! Just fantastic! I don’t want this to be the penultimate issue!

Superman Wonder Woman #19 (DC)
Martin: 3/5 stars. I’m not entirely sure why the Suicide Squad was in this issue – they’re just like generic mercs.
NickZ: This was a waste of the Suicide Squad. I am not feeling this Justice story line one bit!

yofp 3Trees #11 (Image)
NickZ: Things chill out a bit in this issue as new mysteries unfold.

Years of Future Past #3 (Marvel)
Arnab: I was all for a Christina and Cameron pairing, but then, yeah. That happened. Awk.
Infinite Speech: Lockheed better be okay and right before the issue gets too preachy it turns around and entertains again.
NickZ: I wasn’t really feeling the first issue of this book but the last issue and this one have more then brought me on board.

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