Crisis of Infinite Reviews 04/09/14

Crisis of Infinite Reviews 04/09/14

batgirl 30 Batgirl #30
Writer: Marguerite Bennett
Artists: Robert Gill and Romulo Fajardo Jr.
Cover Artists: Paul Mounts, Clay Mann, and Carl Peterson
Publisher: DC Comics

With the final issue to Forever Evil being pushed back further and further, the final fate of Dick Grayson is still up in the air. However, judging by the events of this issue, things aren’t looking good for the original Boy Wonder. Batgirl responds to a supernatural stress call, as the Midnight Man is summoned from another dimension. By the end of the standalone issue, Batgirl is able to defeat her enemy, and while the ending is a bit of a cliffhanger indicating the Midnight Man’s eventual return, the most surprising aspect of the issue was Barbara continually speaking of Dick in the past tense. While the 6th issue of Forever Evil left Dick dead at the hands of Luthor, it was heavily implied that he would survive. So either this issue was written without knowledge of Forever Evil’s ending or the original Robin just might not be making it out alive. 3.5/5

batman eternal 1Batman Eternal #1
Writers: Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV
Artists: Jason Fabok and Brad Anderson
Cover Artists: Jason Fabok and Brad Anderson
Publisher: DC Comics

So begins a year long, weekly series. Totaling a projected 60 issues, Batman Eternal is a massive undertaking involving a large group of comics creators. As far as first issues go, this one was remarkably well done. The issue starts off with a flash forward where both Batman and Gotham are in danger, which is fairly common for a Batbook, except in this case the villain knows that Bruce Wayne is Batman. We then immediately flash back to the present, which presumably starts the downfall of everything Bruce holds dear. A while back DC released a promo pic, hinting towards what would be happening in this series, so going back to look at it might be in your interest. The series looks like it will be exciting, and DC has mentioned that it will be tying into the next major Batman event. Plus, it looks like the focus of the series will not be solely on Batman, but more on Gotham in general. However, 60 issues is a lot to handle. On the one hand, this could end up being an exciting book collaborated on by many of DC’s finest creators. On the other hand, it could just end up being a huge plow by DC to make as much money as possible. Only time will tell. 4/5 

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Arnab Pradhan

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