Crisis of Infinite Reviews 01/15/14

Crisis of Infinite Reviews 01/15/14

batgirl 27Batgirl #27
Writer: Gail Simone
Artists: Robert Gill and Blond
Cover Artists: Alex Garner and Jon Katz
Publisher: DC Comics

Gothtopia, the latest Batman crossover, takes Batgirl to a strange new world, where Gotham is no longer the dark, gloomy city. While the abrupt switch to this alternate universe, if it even is that, is a little surprising, the actual issue is an excellent read. Gail Simone does a great job of incorporating this saccharine city where the people are bubbly and sweet, and integrating the dark tones that have been present in this series. The issue is fast paced, entertainingly witty, and even emotional at times. It’ll be interesting to see whether this is in fact a different world completely or if our hero is under some form of mind control. Robert Gill does a tremendous job on art duties with this book. Along with Blond, on colors, Gill creates a gorgeous, bright, and almost sickeningly sweet issue that perfectly suits Simone’s story. 4.5/5

nightwing 27Nightwing #27
Writer: Kyle Higgins
Artists: Will Conrad, Cliff Richards, and Peter Pantazis
Cover Artist: Will Conrad and Peter Pantazis
Publisher: DC Comics

Ever since Forever Evil came along and DC locked Nightwing into a fixed point, this series has been a little off its game. This two part story wasn’t necessarily bad, but it did feel a bit bland and rushed. The Mad Hatter makes an unexpected visit to Bludhaven, Nightwing’s identity comes close to being uncovered, and Marionette ends up being much more complicated than Nightwing anticipated. It’s a simple story with a slightly overly simple ending, not great but not bad either. Frankly, what this series needs more than anything is to stop being pulled into so many crossover events. Every time Higgins seems to get his rhythm going with the series, Nightwing gets drawn into another crossover that leaves this series to suffer. 3/5

Be sure to check out previous editions of Crisis of Infinite Reviews by clicking here!

Arnab Pradhan

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