Crisis of Infinite Reviews: 06-02-10

It’s another fairly light batch of reviews this week. You may also realize that today is Monday, not the day I had previously been posting reviews, because starting this week I’ll be bringing you your DC reviews on alternating days (Mondays and Tuesdays) every other week. Enjoy!

Minor spoilers ahead!

Brightest Day #3
Geoff Johns & Peter J. Tomasi
Artist(s): Ivan Reis, Pat Gleason, Ardian Syaf, Scott Clark & Joe Prado
Cover Artist: David Finch
Publisher: DC

I had previously mentioned not being sold on the constant shift in focus in this series, however, this issue makes a compelling argument as to why this system is perfect for this book. The issue starts off right where the last issue ended, with the white ring bearer Boston Brand taking on the Anti-Monitor, though what he was transported here for has yet to be established as Brand has literally no control over the white ring. Much like Brand, the new Firestorm duo have little control over their powers as well. While unable to separate in the last issue, the two are able to do it here, causing a huge salt forming explosion. Ronnie, warned to stay away from Jason, neglects to divulge all that he knows to the professor. It would also be nice if everyone just started being a little nicer to Ronnie, it’s not like he had any form of control while he was a Black Lantern. In other parts of the world J’onn J’onzz uses the memories of a dog to uncover the truth behind a mysterious murder. While Aquaman is still perplexed as to why his control of underwater creatures is limited to only dead animals. Furious, Hawkman and Hawkgirl go after the man that has cursed them, only to find a portal created using the bones of all of their previous incarnations.

The pacing in this issue really steps it up a notch, in my opinion. There is just enough spotlight on everyone in order to maintain interest both for the individual characters, as well as the story overall. My only issue, if it can be called that, is with such a small amount of pages per issue, per artist, I expect better quality in the artwork than occurs in certain areas, specifically Aquaman’s face. 4/5

Nemesis: The Impostors #4
Ivan Brandon
Artist: Cliff Richards
Cover Artist: Daniel Luvisi
Publisher: DC

It’s the end of the line for Nemesis in this mini-series event, and for the most part, we’re left with just about as many questions as we are answers. We start off with Tom Tressor tearing through security in order to reach the Senator, who he apparently plans on killing, or does he? After taking out the Council, Tressor leaves the building with the Senator only to be stopped by, himself. It is at this moment that things get a little dicey. The Nemesis outside of the car attacks the Nemesis driving the car and calls him a fake. However, upon being kicked in the face, it turns out that the Nemesis that was originally outside of the car is the real fake. The Impostor, get it?, kills the senator and leaves just in time for the true Nemesis to awaken, after having been knocked unconscious, with the gun in his hand. Batman, who has been trying hard throughout the mini-series to uncover the secrets behind Nemesis’ actions, is left just as perplexed as the reader, due to the fact that this final issue in the series feels nothing like a final issue. While the weaving of the story and underlying mystique makes for a compelling mini-series, the feeling that there is more to the story leaves one feeling slightly unsatisfied. 3.5/5

Red Hood: The Lost Days #1
Judd Winnick
Artist: Pablo Raimondi
Cover Artist: Francesco Mattina
Publisher: DC

The troubled past of the second Boy Wonder is brought to life with this series. Chronicling the events that led Jason Todd to becoming the Red Hood, this issue narrates the manner in which Talia al Ghul came to acquire the newly resurrected, slightly brain dead, Jason Todd. For a year she had been able to keep his existence hidden from Batman, however she had been unable to make any progress with the boy’s mental state. While he physically reacted to combat, he made no emotional or thoughtful connections with his mind. Ra’s, displeased with the boy’s emotional state of mind, as well as his daughter’s continued desire for the Detective, ordered the boy to be removed from their facility. However, in a bold and utterly defiant move Talia threw Todd into a Lazarus Pit. Jason Todd’s tragic history both before and after becoming Robin, coupled with his transformation into a villain, has always left me fairly intrigued by this character. His existence continues to play a major role in the Bat-family, and this issue looks to be a good start to an interesting series. 4/5

Red Robin #13
Fabian Nicieza
Artist(s): Marcus To & Ray McCarthy
Cover Artist(s): Marcus To & Ray McCarthy
Publisher: DC

For the past couple of years Tim Drake’s life has been a roller coaster ride of turmoil and despair, however this issue ushers in a brighter outlook for Tim. With his mini war with Ra’s al Ghul and the League of Assassins ending in the previous issue, Tim’s looking forward to resuming life in Gotham. He’s just got to find a place to live, deal with his apparent engagement with Tammy Fox, daughter to Lucius Fox, and tackle a list of villains still roaming the streets of Gotham. First up is Lynx, who, although had aided the good guys in the aftermath of Bruce’s “death,” was now making a move to take control of the gangs in Gotham. While she does claim to be a cop, which will likely be brought up in the future, Tim makes a statement with her arrest. Fabian Nicieza has taken over as the regular writer and his first issue is a great start. Tim is finally back to a place where he can be the jovial, youthful, determined kid we’ve all grown used to. The bit of brotherly bonding in the beginning was a perfect start to his second year as Red Robin, because it personified the shift that has occurred in both the series and in Tim. 4/5

Arnab Pradhan

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Andy

    I was impressed with Nicieza’s first issue of Red Robin- I’m hit or miss with his stuff as his style of internalizing can get long winded, but he was on here. His touch of humor, which you mentioned, was nice too!

  2. InfiniteSpeech

    Red Hood impressed me and I actually picked it up on accident and out of the Brightest Day story i’m starting to only be interested in a couple of the character’s stories hopefully Johns and Tomasi brings me back fully.

  3. Arnab

    I can’t recall if I’ve read any of Nicieza’s other work, but I thought he did a pretty good job with this first issue.

    I’m a bit of a Judd Winnick fan, but I thought that the Red Hood issue was good stuff. I especially enjoyed the interaction between father and daughter and the way in which Batman played such a big role in their lives, even when he’s not there.

  4. Mattie B

    Another Brightest Day, another bout of “Firestorm is starting to annoy me.” But the scene where Deadman shoots out the constructs of the other Revived (do we actually have a name for them?) out of his ring against the Antimonitor was kind of awesome.

    I know this might sound strange, but I kind of liked when Tim’s costume didn’t fit as well. I guess I just forget how young he actually is. I do think, however, that his current plan to take down Batman’s Rogues Gallery is…ambitious, even for someone raised by Bruce Wayne. I can very quickly see him getting into trouble and needing others to come to his rescue. Which isn’t a complaint, especially if we get appearances by Dick or the other Titans, but it just seems poorly thought out on Tim’s part.

  5. Arnab

    @Matt- Are you forgetting how Tim single handedly took out the Council of Spiders? Tim is freaking awesome. More importantly though, I don’t really think it’s poorly thought out on his part. If there’s anything you learn from Bruce, it’s how to plan things out and plan them well. Plus, it’s not like he expects to take them all out alone, contrary to how he’s been acting for the past year he’s not really a solitary guy.

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