Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 04/10/13

Adventure Time with Fiona and Cake #4 (kaboom!)
Dr. Bustos: A story focusing on LSP and his adventures with beauty? SOLD. A
NickZ: Lumpy Space Prince takes center stage as this fun adventure continues.

Age of Ultron #5 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Dark, gritty, and intense! Things are about to get ugly next issue!
Jeff: This story just continues to ramble. What’s the point again?

Alpha Big TIme #3 (Marvel)
NickZ: I was so sad to find out this was only a limited series!

Archer & Armstrong #9 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: Nothing but awesome with this title!
Jeff: Glad this arc is over. I need more Archer & Armstrong by themselves.

Avengers Arena #7 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Can’t wait until this is collected because I’m buying it all over again!
Jeff: Wow, this was a disappointment. I was hoping for some really awesome explanation for Arcade’s power up. Instead, he continues to be petty.
NickZ: This book lost a little steam as it flashes back to explain where Arcade came up with his latest game. Who cares? Back to the killing please!

Avenging Spider-Man #19 (Marvel)
Jeff: At first I was excited to see the return of Sleepwalker, then I was reminded why he sucks so bad.
NickZ: The Superior Spider-Man must face his greatest nightmare and Sleepwalker shows up too!

Batgirl #19 (DC)
Arnab: Excellent finale. Alysia’s reveal, totally awesome, unexpected, and just what Barbara needs. A
NickZ: You think you have family drama? You ain’t got nothing on Babs! (I can call her that because I love her)

Batman #19 (DC)
Arnab: For the first time, I was not blown away by an issue. This was, fine. B
Infinite Speech: Really digging the evolution of Clayface’s mutation here. Let’s hope the story is worth it.
Jeff: Ok, didn’t Batman take out Clayface in like 2 seconds in the Death of the Family arc? Why is he a threat all of a sudden?
NickZ: Batman must face a more powerful Clayface while still dealing with Robin’s death. Great World’s Finest back-up tale too.

Batman: Li’l Gotham #1 (DC)
Andy: Bright and light for the kiddos with a dash of well-executed twistedness to entertain the adults!
Arnab: This was perfect in the most indescribable way. It was cute, fun, featured all the cool Bat characters. Fantastic! A
Dr. Bustos:
This is my favorite Batman series, if not my favorite comic series ever. A+
NickZ: Already was a big fan of this series online and now in print it’s even more awesome! Great series for all kids and kids at heart!

Batman and Robin #19 (DC)
Andy: Bruce’s downward spiral into mad scientist was epic. Great Frankenstein moments, too. As usual, Gleason nails it.
Arnab: Got Lazarus Pit? A
NickZ: A grief-stricken Bruce gets a crazy idea in his head and it’s up to Tim Drake to stop him.

Bravest Warriors #7 (kaboom!)
Dr. Bustos: Danny’s story within his mind is a bit hard to remember from last time and I’m still trying to figure out how it’ll tie in. B

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 9 #20 (Dark Horse)
NickZ: With Dawn’s existence slipping away, Xander must face a terrible cross-roads.

Constantine #2 (DC)
Andy: All this made me do is miss “Sojourn.” Waaay too wordy.

Fantastic Four #6 (Marvel)
Andy: If a C list character dies at the beginning of the Big Bang and no one is around to see it, does anybody care? Fun stuff!
Jeff: It would have been cooler if they went back to the Big Bang and found a giant banana or something.

Fearless Defenders #3 (Marvel)
Andy: Keeps getting better with each issue and the future looks fun! Hope Moonstar has something lasting happen to her…

Hawkeye #9 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: Clint is just having a bad day all around. A

Invincible Universe #1 (Image)
NickZ: A great follow up to Invincible #100! Don’t miss this book Invincible fans!

Mega Man #24 (Archie)
Andy: The Sonic xover starts out goofy but the final pages are AWESOME, giving early implications of lasting changes — a good sign

Princeless Vol 2 #1 (Action Lab)
Infinite Speech: One of the best all ages titles that you and your friends should be reading!

Saga #12 (Image)
Andy: Still A++. And Ejaculating cartoon penises drawn on the monitor of a cartoon TV aren’t half as gay as this:
Arnab: This series is balls to the wall fun. Vaughn and Staples really know how to rock out with their cocks out (the proverbial one in Fiona’s case.) A
Dr. Bustos: I only met this guy and I already like him. A
Infinite Speech: If that’s what goes through your head after getting shot then let it never happen to me!
Jeff: You may not like the graphic sex in this book, but you have to admit, it’s used to further the story or, in this case, to make a point: War sucks %*&#!
NickZ: Why didn’t anyone tell me there was microscopic gay oral sex in this book!?!

Secret Avengers #3 (Marvel)
Jeff: If I had an image inducer like Mockingbird, I would totally screw with Hawkeye and Black Widow too.

Star Wars #4 (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech: The energy and feel of the original trilogy is right in these pages!

Superboy #19 (DC)
NickZ: This issue was surprising to say the least! Big ramifications for Superman!

Thor: God of Thunder #7 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: Things are ramping up to a pretty amazing conclusion, can’t wait. A
Infinite Speech: You are reading this, right? If not you need to go out and pick these issues up!
Jeff: I need to go back an read his X-Force issues, but I think Esad Ribic’s work has become stellar since then.

Ultron #1 (Marvel)
Andy: Nope. Couldn’t finish it.
Infinite Speech: What. The hell. Was this?

Uncanny Avengers #6 (Marvel)
Andy: This delivered after the cover set my expectations high. The explanation for why Thor likes drinking so much was great.
Infinite Speech: Fantastic time traveling tale I like the history between Thor and Apocalypse!
Jeff: Seems that Marvel writers have realized that past Thor is much more fun to write than current Thor.
NickZ: This book is getting better and better. Love seeing Apocalypse again and kicking Thor’s arse no less.

Uncanny X-Men #4 (Marvel)
Andy: This book is Bachalo’s best work I’ve ever read. There hasn’t been a single panel yet where he totally lost me.
Arnab: Excellent! It’s about time someone removed Warren from that hostile environment, aka Teen Monster Jean Grey. A
Infinite Speech: I KNEW it would be Angel!
Jeff: Darn it! They blew the reveal from ANXM #10.
NickZ: Very cool, different perspective on what went down at the Jean Grey School. Bendis is doing big things with these two books! I love it!

The Walking Dead #109 (Image)
Andy: Kirkman handled the opening scene well — made me think for a minute about humanity.
Arnab: I reckon it’s about time for another culling. A-
Jeff: Remember when this book sometimes had zombies in it? I miss those days.
NickZ: There is a lot of relationship stuff going on in this issue. Poor Maggie.

Wolverine #2 (Marvel)
Jeff: I wanted that evil kid to stick around longer, but who cares…Alan Davis art makes me drool!
NickZ: Can they just make one good Wolverine book instead of 20 bad ones?

X #0 (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech: This issue did it’s job and I’m going to pick up number one!

X-Treme X-Men #13 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: Why did the last issue of the series have to be a tie-in? I have no idea what’s going on and people are already dead before I start. F
Jeff: Couldn’t even finish it. Good riddance to this book.
NickZ: More alternate X-Men die as X-Termination continues!

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