Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 10/08/14

Adventure Time Banana Guard Academy #3 (Boom)
NickZ: The cadets take a little break from training and end up “guests” of the Ice King!

Alien vs Predator: Fire & Stone #1 (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech: The little event here is bringing it all together and if you’re a fan of Aliens or Predator then you have to read it!

The Amazing Spider-Man #7 (Marvel)
NickZ: If you’ve ever wondered what happened to Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends, don’t miss this issue. Dan Slott is a monster!

Astro City #16 (Vertigo)
Martin: 5/5 stars. A short, one-off story that hits all the right notes, from the dialogue to the story to the art. Loved it.

Avengers #36 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: The countdown to this “Time Runs Out…” storyline is INTENSE!

axis 1Avengers X-Men Axis #1 (Marvel)
Arnab: Honestly, the only thing keeping me going is the Summer’s family reunion.
NickZ: This series is off to a great start. The issue was loaded with great moments but the best had to be between Cyclops and Havok. The X-Men are a family, never forget.
Infinite Speech: Looks like the X-Men are healing BUT there’s a HUGE mistake w/ the Thor visuals. Read Thor #1 and you’ll get it.

Batgirl #35 (DC)
Arnab: Batgirl, in a whole new direction. Great jumping on point for any new readers.
Martin: 2.5/5 stars. A very bold new direction that seems to be appealing to hyper social media conscious teens. It didn’t work for me.
NickZ: Cameron Stewart, Brenden Fletcher, and Babs Tarr have done for Batgirl what Matt Fraction and David Aja did for Hawkeye! You do not want to miss this book!
Infinite Speech: Great issue that may not be for everyone but it’s pretty fun nonetheless.

Batman #35 (DC)
Arnab: Hot damn diggity dayum.
Martin: 4.5/5 stars. To find out why the answer to “Who in the Justice League is the best?” is always “Batman,” read this issue.
NickZ: One issue in and EndGame is already badass! Just read it.
Infinite Speech: This is one of my top three New 52 titles for a reason!

Batman Eternal #27 (DC)
Arnab: This is why changing Hush’s history is so bad. Because there’s no way Catwoman would be this nonchalant about him.
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. The Spoiler makes her mark in a big way, and… that’s about it. I wouldn’t mind the series focusing on her
NickZ: There is way too much going on in this issue, it’s starting to feel like a daytime soap and that is no bueno.

Black Science #9 (Image)
Martin: 4/5 stars. Scalera’s art lifts the score of this one; storywise it’s the first time this series has left me wanting more.
NickZ: The thing about Black Science is that it’s so good that you read it way to fast and then are disappointed that you have to wait another month to read more.

Copperhead #2 (Image)
NickZ: After two issues, I am completely on board with this series! It’s fun, it’s got mystery, cop drama, sci-fi action all in one great story.

Death Vigil #4 (Image)
Infinite Speech: The fact that this is a limited series makes me sad. If you’re not reading this title then you should be even sadder.

Earth 2 #27 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. A little annoyed it says it takes place after “World’s End #1” suggesting that you have to read that first.

Earth 2: World’s End #1 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. Massive page count is a huge bargain, but it slows the pace down by recapping the past 27 months.

Hawkeye vs Deadpool #1 (Marvel)
NickZ: Such a hilarious combo. Why hasn’t anyone thought of pairing these two up before?

Justice League United #5 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. Finally getting some focus on Miiyahbin (aka Equinox), but a little too much exposition.

New 52 Futures End #23 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. Seems like they should be focusing on existing storylines rather than introducing new ones right now.

Nightcrawler #7 (Marvel)
NickZ: I’m not even a wolvie fan but this hit me right in the feels. Nauck’s art with Claremont’s words make this Wolverine tribute perfect.

Rocket Raccoon #4 (Marvel)
NickZ: Skottie Young is making this book exactly what you want it to be. It has the right mix of hilarity and nonstop action all rolled into a little cyborg raccoon.

sex criminals 8Sex Criminals #8 (Image)
Arnab: This book is unlike anything you’ve read, in the most fantastic way possible.
NickZ: Sex Criminals is so good! Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky put their heart and jizz into each issue and it shows!
Infinite Speech: Fraction and Zdarsky are having wayyyy too much fun with this series!

Smallville Chaos #3 (DC)
NickZ: This book has it all, Darkseid, Jor-El, Luthor with a yellow lantern army, Eclipso, Booster Gold, Superboy, Supergirl, Monitors, and Lois and Superman traveling the multiverse! What more could you want?

Superman Wonder Woman #12 (DC)
Martin: 4.5/5 stars. I fear this title is going to suffer with the departure of Charles Soule, but this issue was great.
NickZ: Even though i’m not a fan of the Clark and Diana relationship, this issue was pretty good and it had such a purdy last panel.

Worlds’ Finest #27 (DC)
Martin: 2.5/5 stars. Yet another re-telling of the origin on Superman & Batman. What else is there to say at this point?

Wytches #1 (Image)
Martin: 45 stars. A moody, atmospheric & creepy tale, appropriate for the season. But just a tad too much “edgy” dialogue for me. A+ art
NickZ: Wytches was so very creepy, I think there maybe something seriously wrong with Scott Snyder and Jock. Also, Scott’s personal story at the end left me with chills.

X-Force #10 (Marvel)
NickZ: Why is this book not canceled but All-New X-Factor is?
Infinite Speech: If I had a time machine I’d go back and slap myself for reading this book.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Martin

    Clearly I’m alone among you gentlemen regarding the new Batgirl, however, I do realize that I’m older than you all. 🙂 It just didn’t work for me at all. The social media stuff seems like it’s going to be really dated in just a few years. By trying to make it fresh, they’re dating it rather than making it timeless. I’m not suggesting that social media is going away, but rather in just a few short years the way we use it will be very different from the way it’s depicted in this book.

    Also, Barbara does a lot of stupid, un-Barbara like stuff in this issue. She gets drunk and passes out in a relatively unfamiliar place after making out with a guy she just met? I know they’re trying to be “realistic” and depict what it’s actually like to be in college, but Barbara is a role-model (or should be) because she is above that kind of stuff. Sure, have her friends go through that, but put Barbara in there as the balance to show that you don’t have to do that. If this book is trying to appeal to younger readers, which I suspect it is given the content, new artistic style, and the overly forced inclusion of social media “word bubbles” then I think it should be done within the framework as showing Barbara as something to aspire to rather than as a way for a younger kid to say, “Oh, Batgirl got drunk and passed out. I guess that means it’s okay.”

    And lastly… Barbara’s laptop is stolen and she’s worried about having lost the data on it? Really? REALLY? Barbara Gordon, one of the smartest people in the DCU, who has an eidetic memory, didn’t think to back up her data? It’s 2014. Everyone at this point has had a hard-drive crash and have learned their lesson. There’s no way she doesn’t have a back-up of her data. That was just sloppy writing and editing.

    Sorry for the rant, but I just couldn’t get behind this one. It’s come off my pull-list.

    1. InfiniteSpeech

      I was under the impression that the New 52 Barbara completely different from the original one so I let a few things go in regards to her character depiction. I can see the appeal to the younger crowd by distancing her from how she was treated pre New 52 but the lapse in judgment might be a little too much to accept for some. The data loss issue did make me scratch my head because even kids know to back up their data.

      The problem with using a lot of current tech in any story means you run the risk of it feeling dated very quickly especially when you consider the speed at which it changes now.

      Despite these issues with the title I still found it enjoyable but it’s definitely not for

      And I think I hold the honor of being the second oldest one, Martin! lol

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