Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 11/9/2011

30 Days of Night #2 (IDW)
Aron: I’ve always wondered what vampires would look like in the “Peanuts” universe. I think Sam Keith just showed me.

Artifacts #11 (Top Cow)
Arnab: Poor Finnegan. Amazing art by Jeremy Haun. If only it wasn’t taking so long to finish up.
Infinite Speech: Another step in the right direction on how a company should do an event!

Avengers Origins: Vision #1 (Marvel)
Andrew: Ugh..I can’t believe I paid $3.99 for this..nice art though.
Andy: Amazing art by Stephane Perger, and a pretty good story too. Especially when considering I’m not a big robot guy. Well done.
Capekiller: A fantastic origin story about my favourite Avenger, that is beautifully illustrated and wrapped in an amazing cover by Marko Djurdjevic.

Avenging Spider-Man #1 (Marvel)
Andy: A solid start. Wells made me chuckle with his script, and Joe Mad’s art is looking great. Looking forward to when the X-Men drop in!
Aron: I was a little let down because Spider-Woman didn’t look more like Red Monika in this issue. But still had fun reading it and also looking at it.
Infinite Speech: Wells and Madureira breathe some new life into the Marvel Team Up formula and it’s just as fun as ever!
NickZ: Awesome first issue. Wells does a great job writing Spidey and Mad’s art is unequaled.

Batgirl #3 (DC)
Andy: Nicely picking up steam. Now that we’re somewhat over “how she can walk again,” this book is getting better. Syaf’s art is some of the best of the New 52.
Arnab: Honestly, I actually enjoyed Nightwing’s appearance, other than Batgirl’s overreaction that is.
Aron: Well, that little meeting was kinda pointless. This series has been, too. I miss the bubble gum adventures of Steph-Bat.
NickZ: For the first time in this series Babs showed some strength but fighting Nightwing was so unnecessary.

Batman and Robin #3 (DC)
Andrew: Damian is such a great character, and so hateable. Best written Batman title on the shelf.
Andy: I’m happy to say this book keeps getting better with each issue, and has rebounded nicely since #1. Gleason’s fight scenes look great.
Arnab: Thankfully every issue that comes out is better than the last.
Aron: I don’t know what to think of this title after the relaunch. It’s probably the least of the Batman books. It didn’t used to be.
NickZ: Alfred outsmarted Damian TWICE in this issue! He is such a badass.

Battle Scars #1 (Marvel)
Andy: Those working on DC’s “Men of War” should take note. This is how you do a superhero war comic.
Capekiller: Chris Yost has me genuinely intrigued about who this Marcus Johnson guy is.
Infinite Speech: Looks like something good came out of all of that Fear Itself mess! Can’t wait to see where this series goes!

Batwoman #3 (DC)
Arnab: Is there a more gorgeous book on the stands right now? I think not. And the story? Top notch.

Black Panther #525 (Marvel)
Aron: Daredevil called. He wants his numbering back. His villains, too. I love me some Lady Bullseye and Typhoid Mary. Good read.
Infinite Speech: Liss writes to T’Challa’s strengths and shows you why he deserves that tagline on the cover!

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 #3 (Dark Horse)
NickZ: Wow this series has been great so far. What a great twist of an ending too!

Fear Itself #7.2: Thor (Marvel)
Andy: Um, to quote Loki, “What the lB1F is going on?!”
Arnab: What the what?! How dare they!

Frankenstein Agent of S.H.A.D.E. #3 (DC)
Andy: Never thought I’d look forward to a monster book as much as I do this one. One of my top 10 of the reboot!
Aron: Hellboy and B.P.R.D. – Comedy = Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Whoops. I mean, S.H.A.D.E. And it’s a good read.

Ghost Rider #5 (Marvel)
Aron: Five issues in and I’m still on the fence. Unless they can explain how a skeleton has boobs.

Green Lantern #3 (DC)
Andrew: Holy crap, what a last page! And no one writes Hal/Sinestro banter better than Geoff Johns. I could read their conversations all day long and never get sick of it.
Andy: The best GL story since before Blackest Night. This is a great take on these characters.

House of Night #1 (Dark Horse)
Andy: Nope, not for me.
Aron: WTF?! I think I was just tricked into reading a teenage girl’s comic book. How do I undo that?! HOW?!

Huntress #2 (DC)
Aron: This book is cooler than BATGIRL. ‘Nuff said.
NickZ: I’m not going to lie, I’m kinda getting bored with this story but Marcus To’s art is what is going to keep me reading.
Andy: Pretty lame-o story. Marcus To’s artwork is what sells it to me.

The Incredible Hulk #2 (Marvel)
Aron: WAY better than #1. I liked this one. What’s up with all these #2’s being better than #1’s?

Journey Into Mystery #631 (DC)
Andy: This is “the god book.” And it’s cool. Lots of stuff going on here. Big stuff.
Capekiller: Just plain, good storytelling.

Knightingale #1 (Ardden)
Andy: A good one for anybody with a little lady in the house!

Magneto: Not A Hero #1 (Marvel)
Andy: At first I was like, “Whaaaat!?” Then I was like, “Ooooh.” Then I was like, “This is written really well.”
Capekiller: Nice twist, I wasn’t expecting that!  Here’s to hoping the X-Men and Avengers throw down for real!
NickZ: Scottie Young and Clay Mann have done a great job with this issue! The book looks great and Magneto feels like Magneto again!

Mister Terrific #3 (DC)
Andy: I guess I’m in the minority by liking this series, but I think Wallace is doing a solid job with the title character.

New Avengers #18
Capekiller: Dark Avengers Part Two…..the team is cool, but can they pull it off this time around?  I don’t think so…..
Infinite Speech: These new Dark Avengers are going to be a problem for the good guys and I can’t wait to see what happens!

Operation Broken Wings, 1936 #1 (BOOM!)
Aron: … Why is this even a comic book?

Penguin: Pride and Prejudice #2 (DC)
Andrew: My favorite read of the week. Emotional story with awesome artwork. This is a must read.
Aron: Probably the best comic on the shelf this week.
Andy: This is seriously f-ed up.
Infinite Speech: Hurwitz writes a great story while Kudranski makes it all look awesome! Seriously I can’t wait to see this guy on his next project!

Point One #1 (Marvel)
Andrew: This was amazing! Each story was interesting, and I’m already sold on new stories and books spinning off of it.
Andy: The “big tease” will be cool to play out, but I’m not so sure of Marvel’s mission statement of bringing back the ’90s…
Arnab: Overall I thought these were interesting stories, but the Scarlet Spider story was my favorite.
Infinite Speech: What could have come off as some cheap over priced advertisement ended up being a very good, slightly overpriced read!
NickZ: I picked this book up solely for Yost’s Scarlet Spider story but I found the entire thing pretty great and I may have to pick up some of these other books now.

Rachel Rising #3 (Abstract Studio)
Andy: Things are really heating up… Fellas, this may be a gateway book for your lady.
Aron: This issue didn’t just turn this series totally weird, or anything. Okay, I lied.

Resurrection Man #3 (DC)
Andy: The best thing Abnett & Lanning have put out since War of Kings.

Superboy #3 (DC)
Andrew: I don’t have a clue where this book is going, but I’m pretty sure it’s somewhere I don’t care to be.
Andy: I’ve never really enjoyed collecting “Super” titles, but here I am, hooked on Superboy and Supergirl. Looking forward to seeing how Ravager develops…
Arnab: This is one reboot that is absolutely working for me.
NickZ: I am digging this new take on Superboy and I can’t wait to see where Lobdell and company are going with this.

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #4 (Marvel)
Andy: Marvel is truly onto something great here. Miles Morales is the best new comic book character of this decade.
Aron: This series has yet to disappoint. I love it. Also, I love Sara Pichelli.
Infinite Speech: Wow! Just…WOW!

Uncanny X-Force #17 (Marvel)
Andy: Holy crap! How many AoA guys bit the bullet in this one? Awesome!
Arnab: And the winner for the most consistently amazing X-book goes to this book right here.
Capekiller: Still a great book, but can this formula get tired soon?  Just a question…..
Infinite Speech: HOOOOLLLIIIEEEEEE $#@%! This series is too good to be true!
NickZ: Can we already call this book the best series of the year? It’s definitely the best Marvel book…Period!

Witchblade #149 (Top Cow)
Infinite Speech: Marz wrote this issue so Sejic could show off his superb art skills during a very cool monster fight! Oh, and Phipps is an ungrateful asshole.

Wolverine #18 (Marvel)
Andy: I like the team up, but what does this have to do with X-Regenesis?
Capekiller: Fat Cobra, Gorilla-Man and Wolverine versus a couple of dragons, Soul Striker and Rock of Buddha….that’s right, good ol’ fashioned Kung-Fu goodness!
NickZ: Aaron and Garney are doing such a great job with Wolvie. This is my favorite run of Wolverine in any series.

X-Men Legacy #258 (Marvel)
Capekiller: The cosmic X-Men are heading back to Earth, and I still don’t think I care.  Time to find a purpose for this book or cancel it!
NickZ: Thank Stan Lee’s ghost that this story line  is FINALLY OVER!

Be sure to catch up on all past Chirps here!

Andrew Hurst
Andy Liegl
Arnab Pradhan
Aron White
Infinite Speech
Nick Zamora

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. capekiller

    I love how different all our opinions are!

  2. InfiniteSpeech

    Cape I strongly disagree about what you said regarding New Avengers #18!

  3. andrewhurst

    I look like such a Negative Nancey, hating on books that everyone else really liked. lol

  4. andrewhurst

    I look like such a Negative Nancey, hating on books that everyone else really liked. lol

    And I just can’t get into Superboy’s 14-year old masturbatory fantasy of falling ass backwards into supervillain fights and cute girls who aggressively flirt with him.

  5. Andy

    Aron’s back! Awesome!

    His Ghostrider tweet wins this week. Although, Williams is doing great stuff with Daken.

  6. Aron

    Oddly enough, BOTH of those books are getting canceled. Hmm..

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