Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 11/12/14

All-New Captain America #1 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Great start to the series and there’s a Hydra agent named “Bob Dobalina”! What more do you need?! Oh, and Immonen’s art is fantastic!

Archer & Armstrong: The One Percent #1 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: Regime changes are often bloody. This one was all that and more so Archer & Armstrong better watch out!

axis 5Avengers X-Men Axis #5 (Marvel)
Arnab: Cap has a son? Go X-Men!
Infinite Speech: So it took THIS LONG for the series to become bearable?! Unacceptable!
NickZ: This series has gotten all kinds of wonky, but I do love the X-Men teaming up with Apocalypse.

Axis Hobgoblin #2 (Marvel)
NickZ: Hobgoblin is the biggest sell out of all time but it makes for a hilarious comic.

Batgirl #36 (DC)
Arnab: I don’t know if I like this art.
NickZ: Stewart, Fletcher and Tarr continue to kick ass on this Batgirl reinvention. Check this book out, it’s awesome!

Batman #36 (DC)
Arnab: Absolutely fantastic.
NickZ: The A-List DC creative team hit another home run in the second chapter of “Endgame”. The Joker returns and pits Superman against Batman is one of their best battles ever.

Batman Eternal #32 (DC)
Arnab: Hot. Damn. Diggity.
NickZ: Hush is one step ahead of Batman, once again.

Black Dynamite #4 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: A little more serious than the previous issues but still a solid story in the Black Dynamite legacy!

Captain America & The Mighty Avengers #1 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: The effects of Axis bleed over to this issue but it’s a lot more enjoyable than the main event.

Copperhead #3 (Image)
NickZ: Jay Faerber and Scott Godlewski have created an amazing world, great characters, and intriguing story. Get on board this series while it’s still early.

outcast 5Death of Wolverine The Logan Legacy #4 (Marvel)
NickZ: Who would have thought that Lady Deathstrike would have the best story mourning Wolverine’s death so far in this series?

Death Vigil #5 (Image)
Infinite Speech: Stjepan Sejic is kicking all kinds of butt with this series and it should be on your pull list!

Grendel vs Shadow #3 (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech: Wagner makes it evident that this is a pairing that should have happened a long time ago!

Hawkeye vs Deadpool #2 (Marvel)
NickZ: Deadpool hanging out at his crib with both Hawkeyes is the greatest thing you didn’t know that you’ve always wanted.

Justice League United #6 (DC)
NickZ: This series has become a giant cluster f*** of characters but strangely is works.

Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #7 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Great end to a great arc as we get to see Miles cut loose!

Nightcrawler #8 (Marvel)
NickZ: How did the Shadow King become so powerful all of the sudden? Since when can he mind control 2 dozen people at the same time including Rachel Grey and Psylocke?

Outcast #5 (Image)
NickZ: This series has been consistently good and creepy. Paul Azaceta has done an amazing job creating the tone and feel of this series with his art.

Prometheus: Fire and Stone #3 (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech: Every Aliens fan needs to be reading this series.

Resurrectionists #1 (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech: Characters who can channel their past lives, thieves, a huge heist and some great art thrown in! Check out this new ongoing!

Smallville Chaos #4 (DC)
NickZ: Out of the Chaos, the Crisis of Infinite Earths has begins, and it’s awesome!

Spider-Verse #1 (Marvel)
the walking dead 134Infinite Speech: It was a damn shame what happened to Hostess snack cake Spidey. Damn shame.
NickZ: There are some really great Spider-Verse tales in this book, my favorite is Slott’s brilliant ode to the Spider-Man comic strips from the newspaper.

Superior Iron Man #1 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Jerk Tony Stark is nothing new but this was a decent issue because Daredevil stole the show in one panel.

Thomas Alsop #6 (BOOM!)
Infinite Speech: Once I started this series I couldn’t put it down! This issue is no different!

Thor #2 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: We get to see what the new Thor can do and she does quite a bit of destruction with Mjolnir!

The Walking Dead #134 (Image)
Arnab: Carl kinda loses it. It’s only slightly cool.
NickZ: Lessons of the day, don’t get on Jesus or Carl’s bad sides. You won’t live to regret it.

Wytches #2 (Image)
NickZ: Snyder and Jock continue to creep me the hell out with this series. If you like legitimate scares, pick this book up.

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