Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 02/06/13

Adventure Time with Fionna and Cake #2 (BOOM!)
Andy: This is hilarious. I only wish it took longer to read.

All-New X-Men #7 (Marvel)
Arnab: I think it’d be funny to see young Cyclops kill Beast, now that young Beast has saved Big Beast. Also, does anyone actually like Kitty these days? A
Infinite Speech:
This series just keeps getting better and better. Very nice touch with the wedding invitation at the end!
Jeff: This is the best Marvel comic on the shelves right now. Flawless victory!
Andy: As expected the bar remains high. Really can’t wait for the new Uncanny X-Men series to start!

Animal Man #17 (DC)
Andy: Dude, if what happened to Maxine happened to my kid… I’d have gone total red.
Arnab: I kinda love that in the end, Batman saved everyone. Also, Buddy Bake is totally awesome. A

Avengers #5 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Much better than the last few issues as we’re introduced to the newest Smasher of the Imperial Guard!
Andy: The new Smasher is freakin’ awesome.

Avengers Assemble Annual #1 (Marvel)
Andy: Tomm Coker’s art is SICK! When’s the next issue of Undying Love coming out, yo?#HopefullySoon

Batwing #17 (DC)
Infinite Speech: In his alter ego as Batwing, David fights a new villain while he also fights off the entirety of his corrupt police force.

Caligula Heart of Rome #3 (Avatar)
Andy: Holy shit. If you are traveling internationally DO NOT bring this comic with you. You’ll go to prison.

Crow: Skinning The Wolves #3 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: Can’t wait to get this as a collected trade!

Daredevil: End of Days #5 (Marvel)
Jeff: Two for two! Bendis is nailing this mini-series. I’d read a Punisher book written by Bendis
Andy: Each issue is better than the last, and the first one was pretty freakin’ awesome. The beats are hit so well.

Doctor Who #5 (IDW)
Jeff: Lady Christina is back! I always thought she should show back up.

Fairest #12 (Vertigo)
Andy: The only crappy thing about it is there’s just one chapter left with this cast and creative team. That’s not right.

Fairy Quest: Outlaws #1 (BOOM!)
Infinite Speech: Really fun story backed by some fantastic looking Ramos artwork to go along with it!
Jeff: If you like the fairy-tale-as-reality concept of “Fables” or “The Unwritten” and mix it with art akin to “Battle Chasers,” then you’ll love this book.
Andy: Surprisingly enjoyable. Worth a go for fans of the genre and Humberto Ramos.

Fashion Beast #6 (Avatar)
Andy: IT’S HIDEOUS! CLOSE YOUR EYES!!! It’s beautiful.

Fearless Defenders #1 (Marvel)
Jeff: Two characters I care nothing about. This book is not for me.
Andy: An OK start. With the exposition out of the way, hopefully things pick up soon. Looking forward to seeing Moonstar!

Great Pacific #4 (Image)
Andy: It’s fiction but the problem it addresses is not. Every action figure I buy potentially makes that island smaller. #win

Green Arrow #17 (DC)
Andy: Everyone should give this a chance! Lemire’s new and exciting lore with Sorrentino’s sharp art make Ollie relevant again.
Arnab: Lemire and Sorrentino bring a darker, more exciting Green Arrow to the series. A-

Harbinger #0 (Valiant)
Andy: More stories of Toyo Harada in Japan during WWII and shortly thereafter, please.

Hellboy in Hell #3 (Dark Horse)
Andy: A fucking awesome origin story. I haven’t read much Hellboy but I’m on the sauce now — a must read jumping on point.

Iron Man #6 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: The story actually seems to be picking up so I’m giving it 2 more issues. Oh, and Tony should have kept the mustache off!
Andy: Wasn’t high on #1-5 but this is a solid read that makes AVX matter. Still, Greg Land’s panel recycling’s getting ridiculous.

Legend of the Shadow Clan #1 (Aspen)
Andy: Totally worth a dollar!

Legends of the Dark Knight #5 (DC)
Andy: Loved it. Josh Fialkov digs deep into bat lore to #DetectiveComics #1 and Slam Bradley. A+ stuff!

New Avengers #3 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: I couldn’t believe they did that to Cap but I see why! Great issue yet again from Hickman and Epting!
Jeff: I was on my way out, but Hickman and Epting yanked me back in with that ending.
Andy: If what happens in this issue sticks… that’s a bold move.

Red She-Hulk #62 (Marvel)
Andy: I love it when Tesla makes a surprise appearance. Makes me miss SHIELD… that will finish eventually, right?

Road to Oz #5 (Marvel)
Jeff: I like all of the Oz characters coming together for Ozma’s birthday party.

Scarlet #6 (Icon)
Andy: Glad this is back, it was worth the wait. Still, I wish Bendis hadn’t cowered when similar stuff went down in real life.

Secret Avengers #37 (Marvel)
Jeff: This Descendants arc could have been incredible if Remender had the time to develop it more. Still, it was pretty great.

Shadowman #4 (Valiant)
Infinite Speech: Twist finally gets some blood on that white suit and Jack begins his life as the new Shadowman! Another strong issue!
Andy: Everything wrapped a little too nicely making it anticlimactic. With the expo now out of the way this book should be rollin.

Snake Eyes & Storm Shadow #21
Infinite Speech: Great silent issue to wrap up the series! Is Snake really dead? Don’t know but I’m gonna miss the guy 🙁

Snapshot #1 (Image)
Andy: Main dude needs to grow a pair. If you don’t read it, so do you.

Star Trek #17 (IDW)
Andy: The good Doctor’s face looked like mutated bologna throughout the whole issue, and the story’s too melodramatic.

Superior Spider-Man #3 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: A particular character with a huge spotlight to summon him must be feeling pretty silly after this issue!
Jeff: Take that “Bat-Signal!” But Stegman needs another inker.
Andy: I still don’t understand why people are so mad. This is a great read. Vulture’s dead, though… right?

Swamp Thing #17 (DC)
Andy: That part on the cover saying “Finale” is lying!
Arnab: I’m going to withhold judgment until I see how much of this actually has repercussions.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #18 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: Eighteen issues later and all of my reservations about this series are completely gone! Completely fun and awesome!
Andy: West Coast doesn’t get this until tomorrow. : (

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Color Classics #9 (IDW)
Andy: Dude. Leo whipped a throwing star into a ninja assassin’s forehead. FUCK YEAH!

Think Tank #5 (Top Cow)
Infinite Speech: FINALLY the series is back! Let’s get back to getting smart folks!

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #20 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Bendis & Pichelli will go down as one of the best creative duos in history! So say we all!
Jeff: 3 for 3! Bendis & Pichelli hit another home run with a terrifying Venom and a hilarious web-snafu.
Andy: Miles’ dad is an interesting boring character, and by the end of “UCSM’s” 2nd year, he’ll be a new man…

X-Factor #251 (Marvel)
Arnab: Uhm… Holy Shit. A-
You just don’t stab Mephisto. That’s going to bite Jezebel in the ass.
Andy: Wait. Something bad’s going to happen to that person, eventually…!? NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Young Romance: The New 52 Valentine’s Special (DC)
Andy: ZzzZZzzzZ… the cards are cool though.

Zed: A Cosmic Tale Tpb (Image)
Infinite Speech: As fun and entertaining as it was years ago! Give this one a look if you haven’t already!

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