Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 11/24/2010

Action Comics #895 (DC)
Interesting story but am I the only one that liked the Jimmy back-up story better?

Amazing Spider-Man #649 (Marvel)
Wow, talk about upping the ante! This is the most I’ve enjoyed Spidey in a long, long time.
Phil Urich just totally stepped up to major threat! Dude is hardcore!

Astonishing Thor #1 (Marvel)
Mike Choi’s art, as usual, is out of this world…and right into Ego’s big fat face.

Batman and Robin #17 (DC)
Not bad, but I miss Grant Morrison.
Arnab: This issue was like a flashback to the old Nightwing series.
THAT just blew my mind! HOLY S-WORD, BATMAN! And I love me some Scott McDaniel!
NickZ: Another mind blowing Batman and Robin story…..get it mind blowing!!

Batman Beyond #6 (DC)
Arnab: A decent finale to the mini-series, though not interesting enough to get me to read the upcoming series.

Batman Odyssey #5 (DC)
Old school Neal Adams fans will geekgasm. Everyone else will think it’s really weird.
Eli: This is getting a little odd again, but I’m still interested.

Batwoman #0 (DC)
We aren’t the only ones who are in the dark about Batwoman, Bruce Wayne is too. Holy hell I cannot wait for this as an ongoing.
NickZ: For being the world’s greatest detective, it really took a lot for Batman to figure out Batwoman’s secret identity.

Bedtime Stories for Impressionable Children #1 (Moonstone)
Aron: So stupid. Don’t buy it unless you hate your money.

Deadpool #29 (Marvel)
NickZ: I love Deadpool working with the Secret Avengers, Wade and Rogers make for some great buddy cop moments.

Deadpool Team-Up #887 (Marvel)
NickZ: I think this series works best when Deadpool teams-up with the most unlikely partner. Case in point: Thor.

Detective Comics #871 (DC)
Arnab: Awesome stuff. Scott Snyder writes a fantastic detective Batman.
Aron: An excellent beginning! Welcome to Gotham, Mr. Snyder!
NickZ: It’s been a while since we’ve seen Grayson working as Batman alone. Snyder’s story had a very old school Batman feel to it.

Fantastic Four #585 (Marvel)
Andy: I have never been a F4 fan until Jonathan Hickman. It’s old school style sci-fi at its best. Plus, Namor gets nasty!

Gotham City Sirens #17 (DC)
The best issue of this series in a long time. The plot addresses a very relevant issue in the Bat-family.
Arnab: This feels like a major plot line, without the right creative team.
NickZ: Having all these ladies together in one book is so awesome. I hope Zatanna and Talia don’t wipe Selina’s mind.

Green Arrow #6 (DC)
Arnab: The good parts are diminished by how little has actually progressed.
Eli: Interesting look into Ollie’s childhood in between some good action.

The Invincible Iron Man #32 (Marvel)
Finally! Some action! Easily the best issue of this story arc. Love Larroca’s art.

JLA/The 99 #2 (DC)
NickZ: This series just got real exciting, and with the return of a major JL villain, it’s only going to get better!

Justice League Generation Lost #14 (DC)
NickZ: This issue was AWESOME!! I want an ongoing book featuring this future Justice League team.

Klaws of the Panther #3 (Marvel)
This series is getting no love, which is unfortunate. Maberry is doing a nice job sprinkling Shuri’s story with appropriate guest stars.

Kull: The Hate Witch #1 (Dark Horse)
I thought it was great! And I’m not typically a “big muscle dude without their shirts on” kinda guy.

The Magdalena #4 (Top Cow)
Nelson Blake II’s art is perfect for this book. I’m diggin’ it.
Infinite Speech: Patience finally ends up on the wrong end of a beat down but Nelson Blake II makes it look great!

Namor The First Mutant #4 (Marvel)
NickZ: Everything tied up a little too easily in this story. I just can’t care any less about Namor.

New Mutants #19 (Marvel)
Things will make a lot more sense after I re-read Inferno and this story arc back to back…right?
Jeff: This is the best New Mutants story in ages! Wells is taking these characters to levels they’ve never been before!
NickZ: A cool conclusion to the Fall of The New Mutants story line. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Outsiders #34 (DC)
NickZ: A great action packed issue, Geo-Force kicks some major ass in this issue!

Scalped #43 (Vertigo)
Goddamn, I don’t think Jason Aaron can pen a bad script for an issue of this series…ever. READ IT!

Secret Warriors #22 (Marvel)
Eli: Not sure who all of these kids are, but Fury makes this issue well worth it.

Shadowland: Blood on the Streets #4 (Marvel)
Andy: I just don’t really care about any of these characters… and Misty Knight is pregnant. So why the hell is she fighting people?

Stan Lee’s The Traveler #1 (BOOM! Studios)
Far superior to Soldier Zero in terms of originality. I like the snarky attitude of the lead character.

Star Wars Blood Ties #4 (Dark Horse)
Dark Horse needs to put a restraining bolt on artist Chris Scalf to keep him permanently painting Star Wars comics.

Teen Titans #89 (DC)
The best this series has been in over 2 years.
Arnab: Damian is a riot. It’ll be great to see how the rest of the team handles his enormous ego.
NickZ: The worst use of Damian since he became Robin. I expected more from this issue.

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #150 (Marvel)
A well packaged anniversary issue…but if the “Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends” vibe of this book is making an exit, I will be saddened.

Uncanny X-Force #2 (Marvel)
So awesome. If you can only read 1 X-book, read this one.
Arnab: Exciting stuff. The four horsemen, one creepy kid, and five killer X-Men, what more could you need.
Eli: Getting higher on my “must read” list.
Infinite Speech: The Four Horsemen beat the hell out of X-Force in another issue of great art and writing!
Jeff: I didn’t think Remender would pull off an equally awesome X-Force as the last run, but he has!
NickZ: Best X-book going! This issue was just Rad! I love this team!

Uncanny X-Men #530 (Marvel)
Not sure what to think of this yet. The idea seems interesting enough, but it’s too soon to tell and Greg Land’s tracing…er, ‘art,’ isn’t helping any.
Arnab: Not the greatest issue, but the ending was pretty awesome.
Jeff: Fraction is still juggling too many characters and stories. It’s like he decided to do all of his X-Men ideas at one time.
NickZ: Fraction is doing an awful job on this book. There is just too much story, too many characters, and not enough substance.

Vampirella #1 (Dynamite)
Aron: First time reader. She’s like a cross between Wonder Woman & Blade. A Loeb/Sale tale is always a treat, too!
Dan: I wanted more originality here, but I do agree with the wardrobe update… just meh for now.

The Walking Dead #79 (Image)
Kirkman, if you kill off Andrea, I will eat your babies for lunch…whenever you have them…if you have them. Just don’t kill off Andrea, ok?
Arnab: I’m sure I gasped a bunch of times in this issue. The next arc looks so flippin’ awesome.
Jeff: Finally! We’re back to smashing zombie skulls again! I’ve missed that!
NickZ: I think another major slaughter is about to go down. I hope no one I really like dies.

X-Men Legacy #242 (Marvel)
Andy: WTF is going on here? I’m getting annoyed with some of the X-Men. Too many characters bitch and moan after just surviving the events in Second Coming.
Arnab: The way this story played out worked great. Definitely a step up from the previous arc.
Jeff: Great to see Hellion and Omega Sentinel back in the spotlight here!
NickZ: A much better story going on than in the last few issues.

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