Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 9/15/2010

Welcome to Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews! Here you can find out what we at thought of this past week’s new books in 140 characters or less! Make sure to come back each week to see what we have to say about the latest comics!

The Amazing Spider-Man #643 (Marvel)
Andy: How many bad guys does Spidey have to take down before the public accepts that he’s a good guy? Yeesh…

Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine #3 (Marvel)
Andy: I want a beard like Spidey has in this one. He kinda looked like Zach Galifianakis.
Nick: This book took an interesting turn, but i like it and Adam Kubert’s art work.

Azrael #12 (DC)
Andy: Been away from this series for awhile and decided to check in to see where it’s at. Glad to see it’s gotten pretty good, and Guillem March’s art is a big reason why!
Nick: I am bored with this story and maybe with Azrael in general.

Batman Beyond #4 (DC)
Andy: That reveal was a little weird. And I’m sorry, but that character would OWN McGinnis 1 on 1!
Nick: As someone who was not a fan of the cartoon, this book is pretty awesome.

Birds of Prey #5 (DC)
Andy: This series isn’t the same without Ed Benes. Adriana Melo’s faces make me nauseous. Alvin Lee is a nice substitute though.
Nick: So much good stuff in these pages.

The Boys: Highland Laddie #2 (Dynamite)
TOO MUCH TALKING! And dare I say…boring?

Brightest Day #10 (DC)
Andy: Woah! Who knew Aquaman could look so bad ass?
Infinite Speech: So Mera just swam up and down the coast until she found the ONE African American family to give the kid to? weak.
Nick: This series has been hit or miss, but this was definitely a hit. Aqualad is a bad ass.

The Bulletproof Coffin #4 (Image)
Andy: Checked it out on a whim and was dealt a weird surprise! Time to go back issue hunting…

Deadpool #27 (Marvel)
Andy: Steve Rogers punching Deadpool in the face FTW!
Nick: This made me want to start reading Secret Avengers.

DMZ #57 (Vertigo)
“Amina, Mother of One”: Turned a character that I hated into one I love and understand. This “Collective Punishment” story arc is some of his best work.

DV8: Gods and Monsters #6 (Wildstorm)
Andy: Fight! Fight! Fight! Sex! Fight!

G.I. Joe/Cobra #8 (IDW)
Andy: I wish this series could step out of the regular Joe ongoing’s shadow because it’s far superior. A sick, twisted look at the world of Cobra.

Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #2 (DC)
Andy: The addition of Arisia and Kilowog to Guy’s new team just made things a whole lot more interesting.

Harlan Ellison’s Phoenix Without Ashes #2 (IDW)
Andy: I like it, but I literally read it in under 2 minutes. And what’s with the afterword?

The Incredible Hulks #613
Andy: Damn. Shit’s about to get ugly. Never thought I’d be into a Hulk book!

Joe the Barbarian #7 (Vertigo)
Andy: The Stuff of Legend meets I Kill Giants. Sucks there’s only 1 issue left.

Jurassic Park: Redemption #3 (IDW)
Andy: The biggest dino disappointment since the third Jurassic Park movie.

Marvel Universe vs Punisher #4 (Marvel)
Andy: A bloody ending to a gory mini series. And his last kill was brutal! Loved it!!
Eli: Frank. Is. Baaaaaad.

Morning Glories #2 (Image)
Andy: Characters with personality, a crazy plot, and pretty art. What’s not to like?

New Mutants #17 (Marvel)
Andy: Which are you sick of more: Hell or Vampires? I wanted more of just the New Mutants chillaxin…
Jeff: Crap, what’s Illyana gonna do now that her sword won’t work on the “babies.”
Nick: Limbo, AGAIN! I am so over all this Magik stuff.

Pale Horse #4 (BOOM! Studios)
Andy: A fitting ending to this mini. I liked the play on historical characters and events- added a nice layer to this revenge story.

Shadowland: Power Man #2 (Marvel)
Andy: Damn, I wish I knew my Luke Cage history a little better. One of the better Shadowland tie-ins.

Steve Rogers Super Soldier #3 (Marvel)
Andy: Eh, it’s alright. I doubt there will be anything that majorly effects the character when it’s all done.
Eli: Great line in this one…”He was like the internet… only slightly more evil.”

Thor: First Thunder #1 (Marvel)
Andy: A re-telling of when Donald Blake first became Thor. Not sure why this series exists since we’ve all already read that story.

Thor for Asgard #2 (Marvel)
Andy: Non-Thor fans should give this one a whirl. The art is way cool and the story stands alone.

Thunderbolts #148 (Marvel)
Andy: Is it a bad thing that I love seeing the T Bolts kick the crap out of The Hand?
Eli: What in the ever-lovin’ underworld are those ninjas doing with each other?
Infinite Speech: The best part of the story took place on the Raft. The rest was just to sell a book with Shadowland on it.

Time Bomb #2 (Radical)
Andy: What would you do if you were displaced in time during WWII with modern day weapons? Kill a butt load of Nazi’s of course!! READ THIS!!!

The Unwritten #17 (Vertigo)
Andy: A “Choose Your Own Adventure” style comic book? Genius!

X-23 #1 (Marvel)
Andy: Great art and story. Marjorie Liu had better not leave us after the first arc though like she did with Black Widow. That would piss me off.

X-Factor #209 (Marvel)
Andy: A great issue- my favorite in a long while. Longshot’s the man!
Jeff: “Where to now, Madrox?” “I was thinking Excalibur.” “Didn’t they disband?” Awesome.
Nick: Longshot and the gang + Vegas = lots of fun shenanigans.

Zatanna #5 (DC)
Andy: Good thing the art’s nice because the magic seems to have fizzled…

For past editions of Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews, click here!

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Billy

    @Nick- You should definitely pick up Secret Avengers!
    @Andy- GL-Emerald Warriors sounds awesome! I’m really sad I didn’t order X-23.

  2. InfiniteSpeech

    Andy, Thor: First Thunder isn’t for people like you or me lol It’s for those who know NOTHING about the character and since he’s got a movie coming out we’ll probably get an onslaught of Thor books in the coming months.

  3. Jeff Jackson

    I thought I sent a chirp about Astonishing SM/W? And I didn’t know I read the Steve Rogers book! 😀

  4. Andy

    Was that chirp supposed to be for ASM&W?

  5. Eli

    @ Jeff – Nope, I read that Steve Rogers book, quit tryin to steal my chirps!

  6. DecapitatedDan

    Sorry fellas,, busy Monday on my end led to the mixup.

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