Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 06/19/13

A+X #9 (Marvel)

Dr. Bustos: I don’t think there’s been a bad story in the bunch. A

aou 10Age of Ultron #10 (Marvel)
Jeff: So all of that was an attempt at giving Marvel it’s own Crisis of Infinite Earths? Terrible!!!
Infinite Speech: I stood behind this series but lately I wish I would have listened to the guys on Tales From the Water Cooler.

Animal Man #21 (DC)
Arnab: Jeff Lemire’s incorporation of social media to this title has been fantastic. A

Batman and Batigirl #21 (DC)
Arnab: Batman and Batgirl? More like Batgirl with Batman. But all in all, still a good read. A-

Batwoman #21 (DC)
Dr. Bustos: A look at things from Killer Croc’s perspective and a powerful one at that. A+

Captain Marvel #13 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: I don’t like crossovers that I don’t read, but this one does a good job of keeping me up-to-date. B+

Cable & X-Force #10 (Marvel)
Arnab: Hands down one of the best team books being published by anyone right now. A
Jeff: The least likable character in this book is actually Cable.

Doctor Who #10 (IDW)
Jeff: This is what “Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS” should have been.

fvz 15Fanboys vs. Zombies #15 (BOOM!)
Arnab: Hot damn diggity, shit just took an awesomely crazy turn. A
Infinite Speech: Entertaining but still not my thing.

Fantastic Four #9 (Marvel)
Jeff: So, why don’t all the Dooms get together and just kill Reed Richards? I don’t get it.

Indestructible Hulk #9 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: One of my favorite superheroes AND Maria Hill pulls an amazing prank? A
Jeff: Did you like “Trial of the Incredible Hulk” TV movie? This is nothing like that, but it does have Hulk and Daredevil. An unlikely duo, but one that I love!
Infinite Speech: Have Hulk & DD teamed up since that horrible TV episode? I liked this better.

Invincible #103 (Image)
Dr. Bustos: The not-gory issues are few and far between, it feels. B

mara 5Mara #5 (Image)
Arnab: This is one of the best new books to come out this year. Also, I highly approve of what Mara is doing. A
Dr. Bustos: I was wondering when we’d get to here cause I’m surprised it took this long. B+

New Avengers #7 (Marvel)
Jeff: T’Challa needs to bitchslap Namor. Like, right now.
Infinite Speech: I’m going to need an entire issue devoted to T’Challa & Namor throwing down.

Superior Spider-Man #12 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: I love seeing Spidey outsmart his opponents and love the spider-bots. A
Jeff: I just can’t enjoy the issues drawn by Camuncoli.

Ultimate Spider-Man #24 (Marvel)
Dr. Bustos: I always felt bad for Cloak and Dagger, the Ultimate versions don’t seem to be changing anything. A
Jeff: I still think the 616 version of Cloak and Dagger’s origin is better than this. #superpowersviadrugs
Infinite Speech: Hey, you! That one guy left that’s not reading this title! Get your ass on board!

Uncanny Avengers #9 (Marvel)
Jeff: I love the tension in this team. Shit’s getting real.
Infinite Speech: This title has been picking up steam for the past several issues and Remender weaves some FANTASTIC Apocalypse based stories!

Wonder Woman #21 (DC)
Dr. Bustos: I hope Lennox is okay. A

xfactor 258X-Factor #258 (Marvel)
Arnab: I like the idea of everyone getting their own issue. However, I kinda would have liked to see them all together at least one last time. Hopefully that will still happen. B+
Jeff: So, if someone came into my church and shot everyone up, I don’t think I’d be quite as stable as John Maddox.

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