Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 5/11/11

30 Days of Night: Night, Again #1 (IDW)
Aron: That was kinda dull. And the art flip-flopped between awesome and dumb.
Infinite Speech: What the hell man?! After the fourth page it was like Keith wasn’t even trying and the story fell flat just as fast. I expected so much more.

The Amazing Spider-Man #660 (Marvel)
Andy: Woah- when did Carly get so smokin’? I’m tellin’ ya- tats are sexacious.
Jeff: What the crap was this? The FF fighting zombie pirates, no, the Sinister Six, no, just a couple of the Sinister Six? And I did not get the power change stuff.
Aron: Nice ending! NIIIIIIIIIICE! But was I the only one who found it disturbing to see Spidey in Spider-Woman’s costume?

Astonishing X-Men #37 (Marvel)
Jeff: I don’t think I understand why a book like this is taking so long to come out every time.
NickZ: This felt like an episode of Power Rangers. :-/

Batgirl #21 (DC)
Aron: Typical issue, here. Just plain fun. Not really essential, but guilty pleasures tend not to be.
NickZ: I liked that this issue had a good balance of Batgirl and her supporting characters.

Batman: Arkham City #1 (DC)
Andy: I feel like I’ve read this story a million times already. Maybe the gamer crowd will dig it, but I’ll pass.
Aron: The art was fantastic. The story was kinda slow going and boring. But this is just a setup issue. Let’s hope.
Infinite Speech: This counts as one of those rare video game tie-in books that is just awesome!

Batman Incorporated #6 (DC)
Arnab: Pretty much a direct sequel to Batman: The Return, which basically means it’s all kinds of awesome.
NickZ: Who in there right mind would go to war with an army of Batmen lead by Bruce Wayne? Someone about to have their ass handed to them, that’s who.

Birds of Prey #12 (DC)
NickZ: This mystery of this issue played out very well. Also, how awesome would it be if the Question joins the Birds?
Arnab: The story was just a tad choppy, but otherwise a decent start to the next arc.

Black Panther: The Man Without Fear (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: David Liss writes a Black Panther to be proud of! Now lets see what else he brings in the next arc because Kraven is just a great villain.

Chew #27 (Image)
Arnab: Great fun will be had by all those who read this. Plus, you get a glimpse into the future, when has that ever been a bad thing?

Daken Dark Wolverine #9 (Marvel)
NickZ: The relationship between Daken and X is so darn interesting and the page showing the explosion was FANTASTIC! Checchetto did an amazing job with the art!

Daredevil: Reborn #4 (Marvel)
Andy: Ooooooook. So we’re right back where we started, apparently.
Aron: #1:Awesome. #2-#4:Lame. Probably won’t ever read Diggle again unless he’s playing with his own toys.

Elephantmen #31 (Image)
Andy: There so much emotion in this book, it transcends the page. This is a perfect jumping on point. Give it a shot. It’s beautifully done.

FF #3 (Marvel)
Andy: Isn’t it satisfying when a writer refers to past story arcs they’ve written, painting a larger picture? I think so.
Arnab: Not the Reed Richards I would like to see Valeria go up against, but interesting nonetheless. Where’s Franklin though?

Fallen Angel: Return of the Son #4 (IDW)
Andy: Now THAT’S how you do an ending! I couldn’t have guessed any of that was going to go down. Liandra is the most badass female protagonist in comics.

The Flash #12 (DC)
Andy: Didn’t see that ending coming. Nice segue into Flashpoint
Aron: Inconclusive. Still doesn’t tell me what the hell FLASHPOINT is all about. Like Manapul art WAY BETTER than Kolins!
Arnab: Having two artists is rarely a good idea.

Flashpoint #1 (DC)
Andy: I couldn’t have been more skeptical about this series, but after this issue, I’m pumped for it. It’s like if Kingdom Come and Age of Apocalypse made an awesome baby.
Aron: I’m chirpless for this one. Wow. After all my pre-release hate, I feel like such an ass. I freakin’ LOVED it!
Arnab: Uh… That was weird/interesting.
Infinite Speech: DC’s media blitz robbed this story a bit but Johns and Kubert still kick this issue off pretty well. Plus, Kubert’s art alone is a reason to snatch this one up.
NickZ: Flashpoint is FREAKING AWESOME!! If you have ever been a DC fan you must pick this series up. Plus I love Andy Kubert’s art work here, he’s great!

Formic Wars: Burning Earth #5 (Marvel)
Andy: The first 3 issues could have been condensed into two pages which would have done this story well. Issues #4 and #5 though, have been great. The Formics don’t F around!

G.I. Joe: #1 (IDW)
Infinite Speech: The Cobra Civil War is worth checking out just for the new direction of the franchise!

Incredible Hulks #628 (Marvel)
Andy: Kinda weird, and not my favorite Hulk story. I wish Betty and Bruce would just get back together already. Yeesh.

Journey into Mystery #623 (Marvel)
Andy: Loki is awesome. Why can’t Gillen be this solid on Generation Hope?
Aron: The tale is told how Thor got some goats. Loki puts on a space suit. Then makes a giant hel wolf piss himself. Next issue, please!

Magdalena #6 (Top Cow)
Infinite Speech: Not the ending I was looking for but damn was it still a good one!

Mega Man #1 (Archie)
Andy: This issue successfully captured everything I love about these games. The only thing missing was a soundtrack.
Aron: This is an origin. Who doesn’t know that already? I don’t like the manga-style art. I might try #2.

Moriarty #1 (Image)
Andy: That was an excellent read. Very well done. Sherlock Holmes fans must check it out, and even if you’re not one, pick it up anyway if you want a solid mystery story.

Nether World #1 (Top Cow)
Andy: Hard hitting action and sexy art give this crime book promise.

New Avengers #12 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: I still don’t see what the 1959 story has to do with the present storyline. Did I miss something Bendis? Regardless, this is still my fav Avengers title.

New Mutants #25 (Marvel)
Andy: As long as it keeps focused on tying up the X-Men’s loose ends, this new direction shows promise. We’ll see how long it lasts though…
Arnab: Search for Nate Grey? Hell yes
Jeff: I like this new status quo…and I really like Dani and Sam smootchin’.
Infinite Speech: Why the Sugar Man?! I hate that guy! I also wasn’t impressed by the art but the story was good enough to bring me back next issue.
NickZ: I love the new direction this book is taking and the return of Nate Grey, hells yes!!

Punisher MAX #13 (Marvel)
Andy: The only Punisher story I’ve thoroughly enjoyed. Pick up an issue and you’ll find out why pretty quick.

Red Robin #23 (DC)
Arnab: Villains are lurking in every corner, it’s a good thing Tim is the man with the plan.
NickZ: It’s great to see Tim taking charge and doing things even if Bruce and Dick don’t fully agree.

Starborn #6 (Boom)
Andy: Khary Randolph’s art is a great fit for this book, and Roberson is delivering on the script. Of the three Boom! superhero books, this is the only one you should be reading.

Star Wars Adventures: Boba Fett and the Ship of Fear TPB (Dark Horse)
Andy: I was going to skip this, but the art made me decide otherwise. Nice script too. A highly enjoyable book for any Fett or Star Wars fan.

Superman #711 (DC)
Aron: This reminds me of the Supes comics lying around the barber shop when I was a kid. TOTALLY STUPID! What’s going on with this series?!
NickZ: I don’t know who feels more “grounded” by this series, Superman or us?

Undying Love #2 (Image)
Andy: I can only think of two words to describe this issue: “f*#@ing,” and “awesome.”
Arnab: Hot damn this book is packed with action.

The Unwritten #25 (Vertigo)
Andy: So glad I stuck with this book. It’s really come into its own and is a must read for fans of classic literature. Great X-Men gag, too.

Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #3 (Dynamite)
Andy: If you love boobies, you will enjoy this comic. Otherwise, you will probably come to love boobies.

X-Men #11 (Marvel)
Andy: I never thought I’d say this, but after reading this issue and the recent Infinity Gems story in Avengers...I kinda miss Professor X.
Arnab: Well that was a nice little story about Xavier and Jubilee.
Jeff: Can you say “pointless filler issue?”
NickZ: It was good having Professor X in the spotlight of an X book again. I’m really glad they revisited the relationship between him and Jubilee.

X-Men Legacy #248 (Marvel)
Arnab: Search for Rachel? Looks like daddy Summers misses his kids.
Infinite Speech: In the aftermath of AoX Gambit laid down one of the smoothest lines on Rogue I’ve ever read, Legion becomes Ben 10, and Cargill want’s some cream in her coffee w/ a side of optic blasts.
Jeff: I love aftermath issues that actually tie up loose ends. Good stuff here!
NickZ: There are definitely some great new developments coming out of “Age of X” and I can’t wait to see where they lead.

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Arnab

    Am I really the only one that wasn’t blown away by Flashpoint?

    @Andy – I see Flashpoint more as if Age of X or House of M had a baby with Age of Apocalypse. Because, it’s not actually an alternate universe, is it? From what I gathered, I thought it was an altered universe.

  2. Nick

    @speech- Thanks, I really do think we are being punished.

    @Arnab- yes you are the only one. lol

    @Andy- I met the writer of Moriarty at ACC and he was a very cool dude. He told me a little about the book and it sounds cool. I need to pick it up.

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