Chirpin’ Tuesday Reviews 07/04/18

Astonishing X-Men #13 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: This issue centers my least favorite X-Man and least favorite artist all in one but Iron Man comes out as the worst thing in this story.
NickZ: Looks like Scott isn’t the most hated Summers brother anymore!

Avengers #4 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: I’m liking this but not as much as I probably should. Guess I’ll need more reason than having most of the movie Avengers in one book.

Batman #50 (DC)
Arnab: That issue was executed so damn perfectly.
Infinite Speech: I respect her reasonings but damn that was cold.
Martin: 4/5 stars. A good issue full of wonderful art by some past Batman greats, including Sale, Bermejo, Miller, Albuquerque… the list goes on & on. However, plot-wise, after all the build-up, there was really no way this could be anything but slightly disappointing.
NickZ: Too much to say about this issue in a chirp but i’ll give it my best. Great art, great story, but I do feel personally victimized by Tom King and DC Comics as a company.

Captain America #1 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: Coates is off to a great start with Cap and it makes me smile that the problematic fanboys are crying over the fact he’s writing it!

Catwoman #1 (DC)
Martin: 4/5 stars. A really strong start to a character that I’m not always that excited about having her own book. Jones has a really interesting and effective art style, & it’s a perfect match for her darker writing tone. The main villain of this arc is unique & creepy.
NickZ: After reading Batman #50, Joelle Jones did help me feel better with this gem of a book. I love the art and the way she is writing post-wedding Selina.

Deadpool #2 (Marvel)
NickZ: As much as I like Skottie Young, he just isn’t the right man to write Deadpool or the Avengers for that matter.

Death or Glory #3 (Image)
Infinite Speech: I wasn’t prepared for how dope this book was going to be! You should start if you haven’t already!

Deathstroke #33 (DC)
Infinite Speech: Priest is writing the best Deathstroke to come along in years!
NickZ: Slade and Damian have their first father/son adventure and considering their combined interpersonal skills, it goes as well as you’d imagine. Francesco Mattina does a really awesome variant cover for this issue too!

Doctor Strange #3 (Marvel)
Infinite Speech: You would think that Steven would make better decisions considering what he just went through but he’s still an idiot.
NickZ: Strange has literally lost any moral compass that he may have once had. I think he is currently more morally questionable than Doctor Doom.

Go Go Power Rangers #11 (BOOM!)
Infinite Speech: This is the Rangers event we deserve and that new Pink Ranger design has quickly become my fave as well!

Green Arrow #42 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. Focuses on Green Arrow in his old role of promoting social justice. Nice to see that version (with the goatee, even!) back. This short 2-part arc with Parasite & a prison break were successful in showing classic Ollie, but could have been longer.

Green Lanterns #50 (DC)
Martin: 3.5/5 stars. There’s nothing particularly wrong with this issue, except it feels more like an issue of GL Corps than it does an issue about Simon & Jess. The mystery with the rings is actually pretty interesting; it just needs to focus on the main characters.

Hunt for Wolverine Weapon Lost #3 (Marvel)
NickZ: If Frank McGee and Misty Knight spent more time working on this case and less time flirting with each other, less people would have gotten hurt and/or killed in this book.

Incognegro: Renaissance (Dark Horse)
Infinite Speech: Johnson and Pleece are on fire with this series and I’m glad they came back to tell this story!

Infinity Countdown Champions #2 (Marvel)
NickZ: This series had nothing to do with the Infinity Stones and was just a poorly executed vehicle to set up the new status quo for Ironheart, Nova, and the Champions.

Justice League #3 (DC)
Infinite Speech: I’ll take more John Stewart regardless what color ring he’s wearing!
Martin: 4/5 stars. Really great art, a big story being unveiled piece-by-piece in the aftermath of Dark Nights: Metal and No Justice, Luthor’s plan and formation of the Unjustice League coming together… this is a great issue with really great pacing.
NickZ: The Legion of Doom seems to be three steps ahead of the League at every turn and things are going from bad to worse with each passing moment.

The Man of Steel #6 (DC)
Martin: 3/5 stars. I’m really not happy or excited about the inclusion of Jor-El in this book and the contrivance used to get him to remove Jon & Lois from the main Superman storyline. The scenes with Kara are some of the best parts of this 6-issue story.
NickZ: Between what happened in Batman #50 and them sending Lois and Jon away in this series, it seems like DC is just going back on all the great developments that have made both Superman and Batman so fresh and good in Rebirth. It’s very disappointing.

Marvel Rising Squirrel Girl & Ms. Marvel #1 (Marvel)
NickZ: This is the cutest team-up you didn’t know you needed in your life! Although, some of the characterizations were really off in the second story compared to the first.

Nightwing #46 (DC)
Arnab: I’m never not going to enjoy Dick and Barbara working together.
It’s an old fashion Dick and Babs team-up and who doesn’t love that? Also, the variant cover for this issue is SICK!

Paper Girls #22 (Image)
NickZ: After the Wari and Jahpo revelation, I have SO MANY QUESTIONS!!

The Walking Dead #181 (Image)
NickZ: For the first time in a long time I have no idea where this story is going and that makes it pretty exciting.

Weapon X #20 (Marvel)
NickZ: I don’t even understand why this team still exists? I mean it made sense when they were all being hunted by the same government agency but why continue to stay aligned when you don’t even like most of your teammates?

X-Men Gold #31 (Marvel)
NickZ: Days of Future Past, the gift that keeps on giving.

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