Aspen Reviews: Executive Assistant: Iris (vol 3) #1

Executive Assistant: Iris (vol3) #1
Publisher: Aspen
Writer: David Wohl
Artist: Alex Lei
Cover: Alex Lei

Iris returns in the Executive Extinction event as we’re introduced to her new employer, and shown how she is connected to Lily’s quest to find and kill Mazutsu. The problem comes in when Lily realizes who Iris is really working for, which is more than just a conflict of interests for her.

Wohl gets things going pretty well in this issue as we get a feel for what Iris has been up to since we last saw her. With a steady balance of character building and plot movement, he delivers a solid issue to get things started. Now, even though the events of Executive Assassins overlap a bit here, we get enough information to actually enjoy this without feeling lost if you’re new to the franchise.

As far as the art goes, Lei provides very solid work and keeps the story flowing quite well visually. There were a couple of panels during the highway fight that seemed a bit awkward in terms of the actual fight choreography. This made the fight a bit choppy, but nothing that would totally distract from the actual story. For the rest of the issue things hold up well and are consistent.

If you’re expecting panel after panel of cheesecake or pin up features of these female assassins, then you will be disappointed. Sure their curves and sexiness are abundant, however, it’s the strength of the story of the Executive Assistant titles that’s been its foundation since the beginning with Executive Assistant: Iris #0. Based on that alone, this series should be one exciting ride as we find out if Mazutsu succeeds in killing all of the Executive Assistants that are left!

Infinite Speech

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